Oh, I know nothing about tariffs taxing… so I guess you’re right. I was just thinking arithmetics (25%=1/4) but it seems I overstepped here 😅
Oh, I know nothing about tariffs taxing… so I guess you’re right. I was just thinking arithmetics (25%=1/4) but it seems I overstepped here 😅
A fifth would be 20%, if you want to block 25% then you block one fourth of the screen.
Did you ask them what does Linux mean?
The second best time to fix this was 4 years ago, when the Capitol was attacked to try to overturn a democratic election. But the USA has a big problem: nothing was done. A criminal staged a coup and failed. And nothing was done. He was allowed to go free, run for president and now he is in charge. The USA already failed years ago and now is just reaping what it allowed fascism to sow. Because nothing was ever done about it.
Or ll='ls -laFh'
to have it just how I like it
That sounds interesting, do you have a source? I’d like to learn more.
I’ve read that in ancient Spanish the letter X had in some cases the sound that the letter J has in modern Spanish, therefore the spelling of some words changed accordingly: Don Quixote is Don Quijote in modern day Spanish.
He pardoned a bunch of rich criminals
Separate the fat. Make soap with it. Sell it to the rich.
Thank you, I didn’t know that. I know that record labels have been screwing artists for decades… but I didn’t know that Spotify was actually paying good money for the listens, it just doesn’t reach the artist.
I’m not saying that’s wrong, because I don’t have the information, but I have repeatedly read on different news articles that Spotify pays peanuts: way less than that to big artists. I will have to check for updated and reliable sources.
I’ve seen a couple of articles from earth.com shared lately and they always have this clickbaity sensationalist tone. I don’t like it.
Looking at the original publication this article is based on I don’t understand much (I’m not a climate scientist myself), but one sentence stands out:
Whether global warming has affected the strength of this overturning circulation over the past century is still debated: observational studies suggest that there has been persistent weakening since the mid-twentieth century, whereas climate models systematically simulate a stable circulation.
The climate models we all know and predict how climate change will affect us all seem to work on the basis that these currents have a stable circulation that doesn’t change, which doesn’t seem to be the case. Therefore the climate models we’ve known until now might be wrong… and things could be even worse.
What’s with the clickbait title?
This is not news, it has been happening since Smart TVs started being a thing.
One of the most common TV OSs is AndroidTV / GoogleTV. Google is the biggest ad company in the world.
Very interesting graph. It clearly shows a reduced antibiotic consumption during the corona pandemic in most countries. Probably due to the use of facemasks reducing the number of situations requiring antibiotics.
I could see it being a bit of both. Lyrics are often inspired by something and describing something else. In this case, someone stalking a former lover could be seen as “going full 1984’s Big Brother” on them… and it makes sense with the whole romantic mood that the song has: the stalker sees themself as romantic and sings it that way, but when you look closer you realise it’s actually very creepy.
Don’t look into the story behind “My Sharona” by The Knack.
Doesn’t it say “I get up and nothing gets me down”? I always thought that sentence described being motivated and not letting anyone ruin your good mood.
Do you maybe mean “Every Breath You Take” by The Police? That’s a common answer to this kind of question. A lot of people think of it as cute and romantic at first, but the song really talk about the Big Brother (from George Orwell’s 1984): a state of constant surveillance watching “every breath you take, every move you make”.
I recently set up a small home server and started trying to self host stuff. I found it pretty hard to get started. People have been very helpful on this community and other public forums, but I’m afraid it’s often not enough. They give me advice in trying this or that, doing this and avoiding that… but I still don’t understand more than half of the concepts that they use. I consider myself tech literate above the average user: I recently switched to Linux (after years on MacOS, using the command line, and even building a couple of programs from source), I also installed a custom ROM on my phone. I feel comfortable learning and doing these things… but still felt very very lost when trying to self host a few services. At the moment I settled for a local-only network where I run Jellyfin, Navidrome and Syncthing on OpenMediaVault. I’m lost with what I’d need to do to access my server from outside my local network, and terrified of doing something wrong and leaving a hole open so any hacker can access my server. I’d like to do it some day, but I’d rather have a safe local network than screw and get my data stolen or deleted.
So, in my opinion, we would need good tutorials or a MOOC to explain the basics from scratch.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy