So you can enable it and then run:
sudo fwupdmgr get-updates
And you will get a list of what would be updated with the testing repo, and then you can disable it again if it doesn’t return a result that one can work with.
So you can enable it and then run:
sudo fwupdmgr get-updates
And you will get a list of what would be updated with the testing repo, and then you can disable it again if it doesn’t return a result that one can work with.
You could try enabling the lvfs test-repo
sudo fwupdmgr enable-remote lvfs-testing
And the run
sudo fwupdmgr update
If I can at least help on stranger on the internet… well, then I have helped one stranger on the internet 😂
Let’s say you want to test a drive that is mounted on /tmp… you just cd into that directory and you can use my example.
You can use
> df -h
$> mount
to check how your drive is mounted in the OS Most ”default ” installations will have 1-4 partitions and / being partition 3 or 4.
So if you look at the mount command and / is /dev/sdX3 (where X can be a-z depending on how many drives you have connected) and no other mounts are in the output then every directory under / is on that drive… so you can run my example from your home-directory if you fancy that.
The cool thing about rsync is that it goes ”BRRRRRRRRR!” like a warthog… the plane… and it can saturate the receiving drive or array depending on your network and client. And getting 180 with rsync… on a SATA drive, can’t really hope for more.
And you can run a quick n dirty test is using dd
> dd if=/dev/zero of=1g-testfile bs=1g count=1
If you use scp (cp over ssh) you should see the transfer speed.
Actually never did, tried Logseq and found that the sweet spot of being to lazy and having what I need in obsidian made me stick with it
Florida… HAHAHAHA, this is effin’ to good to be true… in Florida you risk lose your voting rights FOREVER!!!
But the kicker is that he isn’t allowed to vote right? New York restore voting rights after you have completed your sentence if I remember correctly.
Another scary thing is that religious freedom apparently doesn’t apply… am I not free to decide if I need religion in my life?
Oh I know, but there is some things that are objectively evil, like killing children. And since their god is omnibenevolent and all knowing, then there is no point in killing children, unless your god is either evil or not omnibenevolent, you can’t have both.
But yeah, there are things you just have to accept that these extremists just take for granted, like they are so chosen/special that they can have the cake and eat it.
I can think of a couple of quite evil things he did… allegedly. It’s even written down.
Don’t think so but reddit_should_not_treat_developers_and_their_userbase_like_shit_for_profit doesn’t roll off the tongue as smoothly
I am not fond of how they conduct their business… but that wasn’t as good nickname 😃
This is the way.
I took a look at Logseq, and probably switching from Obsidian to that.
That is rotundist!!!
This is the way.
I am surprised that no one has tried to link this to vaccines yet
Trouble sleeping…