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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024

  • Wouldn’t have been that bad if the push for ray-tracing didn’t come together with a higher price. Isn’t the point of ray-tracing to make things easier for the developers to work on lightning and shadows and such? Apart from the obvious graphical fidelity.

    There’s absolutely nothing good about it. I’ve been reluctant to get into RT because it just doesn’t offer that much to me and seems to have launched us into the upscaling and frame generation era of gaming because the oh-so-wonderful ray-tracing capable GPUs actually need some crutches to deliver their killer features. And mandatory ray-tracing now, alongside the mandatory DLSS to see any benefit from a 5000 series card from Nvidia are absolutely going to contribute to me doing my best not to buy into ray-tracing for even longer.

    I know it’s lost battle because of how many have either happily or silently jumped ship, but it’s now a matter of a principle. It’s not even that kind of situation when one is not enough until there’s one too many to ignore - it’s just me not feeling right about it; even less right than before.

    I’m the old man yelling at the clouds.

  • Not happy about these Indiana Jones type of system requirements. I was coping that DOOM: The Dark Ages won’t have mandatory ray-tracing, even though I knew they’ll be using either identical engine or some “minor” variation of it, because. well, id software, idetch engine, etc. Fitting name!

    DOOM (2016) and DOOM: Eternal ran extremely well on my GTX 1080 paired with Intel i5 3470. Now I won’t be able to run the new title with same GPU paired with Ryzen 5 5600x. There’s a lot of people in the comments in various places saying it’s totally fine or just arguing with people that are not in favor of such demands.

    And there won’t be any multiplayer.

    The mighty have fallen.

  • I don’t get you americans

    I’m Russian, living in Russia, who’s never even been abroad.

    But no, you can find thousands of the posts saying “peaceful ways have been all tried and failed”.

    I was agreeing with you the whole time, saying that violence is never the answer and does eventually bring peace and prosperity.

    Im just going by history. hitler, stalin, polpot everyone thought themselves to be the low class and went on to kill millions of the low class.

    If I consider myself to be the upper class, will that make me upper class? Most likely not, so I don’t see how that makes literal top figures of their state at their respective time anywhere near “lower” classes.

    The tyrants you’ve mentioned also all lived in the 20th century and operated within very hierarchy-based political systems, at least in terms of influence. Each had immense power of their country and everyone around, and especially everyone lower in the hierarchy. There is nothing “low” class about any of this.

    “kill ceos” will end up with timmy who used to work the cashier walking along a mass grave and shooting blindfolded sara from call center, thomas who runs a joinery firm and their daughter abby in the back of the head so they fall into a grave they dug. Its how these things work and its what the people who call for violence want in to end up as.

    This is what I’m agreeing with.

    You just seem oddly focused on the class aspect of this, especially the “lower” class, in a way that seems condescending and patronizing. All I’m saying is that it seems very disrespectful and a wrong thing to focus on.

  • I agree with your anti-violence stance, but can’t ignore the reasoning behind it.

    I don’t believe there’s some special class that either accumulates or breeds violence. I don’t believe that the “lowest” class, whatever that might be, is fixed on killing its kin. The people ruling Nazi Germany certainly weren’t the “lowest” class when they were making their impactful decisions, many of which killed members of other classes, not theirs.

    Neither Trump nor Musk are “low” class, yet they tend to hold the more absurd and anti-human views, separating people into worthy and not-so-much and believing they can make destinies.

    There are dangerous people in our world, which are often attracted by power, often any sort of power they can rise to. Violence included.

    Regardless, violence only breeds violence, for so many reasons that no comment can hold. Violence traumatizes and creates examples and “Why can’t I, too?..” questions, etc.

  • Nah, it’s just drugs. I mean, I think Elon Musk strikes me as a person who’d love to have the… for the lack of a better word, “courage” to perform the Nazi salute under such circumstances when actually totally sober, but a guy that had to fake Path of Exile 2 success is simply not gonna throw a Nazi salute on stage, even in front of people he sees as supports and loyalists.

    I wonder if that absolutely bizarre specimen has been truly sober in last years. Or ever, if we count being high up your own ass as an altered state.

  • This and what Putin’s presidency turned out to become in the long run is what I now happen to imagine largely felt like to witness the Nazis rise to power.

    You just don’t know what’s coming before it’s actually there. The historical evidence even shows that the Nazis weren’t that out-of-touch with reality at first, at least in terms of what was largely acceptable back in their day - like rights to land, borders, with many countries and nations being in a very turbulent state after the first World War. It’s only after they got the power and set up the frameworks, like gradually oppressive laws and manipulating opinions and values through propaganda, that they went to do what we ultimately associate them with.

    Putin spoke very high of “the west” and democracy and such at first, but quickly showed his true self when the Kursk sank, then with Beslan (the Nord Ost), then many more times, but back in the day, without today’s hindsight, it seemed so… plausibly deniable? Like people could just vote him out the next time or excuse some things with the same traumas and biases that still brewed in the generations born in or shorty after the USSR. Now a full-blown tyrant, modernized to dictate through deceit, looking wild compared to his first days - a proper example of boiling the proverbial frog; turning the dial little by little, either compounding into some greater evil or simply revealing its true self, both equally inconsequential in the end.

    Trump and Musk, similarly, have for the most part been interesting characters, so bizarre that excepting anything more felt naive, beyond the realm of possible. And yet again, unless there is enough backlash early on, people like this will keep pushing, until they lead us to the edge.

    I never wanted to see for myself how something so terrible can rise to power, seemingly past everyone’s attention. It’s dreadful to think that the lessons of history are bets learned on one’s own mistakes, that the Germany’s experience is not enough to generate the unrest that keeps such people out of power.

    I’m not even on the same continent as these two, but I know they’ll be influencing a whole lot of change around the world, change that will never benefit any way.

    The more things change…

  • Well, conflict is, pretty much, the backbone of any story, narrative, or motive. Has been for long.

    Still, I’m not sure it’s all that relevant and necessary for a video game, I agree. Some of them just let me do things I can’t in real life, like building my stupid base on different planets and moons, or transforming the landscape for the sake of it.

  • I think it’s worth advocating for quitting shitty games, though.

    Out of many friends I’ve had who (used to) frequent games like PUBG, Dota 2, League of Legends, Valorant, Overwatch, etc., most were just having a bad time, all the time. Granted, some of these work on Linux, but the point is, those of my friends that still play Overwatch (“2”, lol) just seem to be happier and more functional when they have to quit for some period of time.

    I’ve been having a much better time with my life once I went for the good old enjoyment rather than chasing rank or wins or skill, finally making time to play amazing single-player titles again or just screwing around in online games.

    And curiously enough, the online games I actually want to play and have fun doing so are the ones that work on Linux, while the rest thankfully refuses!

  • Thanks and you’re welcome!

    I somehow forgot to mention this: don’t worry too much about rehearsing words. This is not the most effective way to learn them in most cases, because your brain just doesn’t consider something important and worth remembering until it has a very, very good reason to; forcing the repetition of certain words that way usually doesn’t happen to be that reason.

    If you know it works for you, though, then go ahead, but otherwise, don’t beat yourself up and don’t give it more time than it deserves. After all, if you don’t happen to ever use the word or even see or hear it in five years or even more, then why really bother? ;)

  • I’m NOT a native English speaker by far, but I am a translator and a linguist (according to my BA degree, at least) and have spent 2.5 years teaching people English (with great results, too). Hopefully you’ll find my experience relevant to yours and comforting.

    My native language is Russian (thanks for the alphabet) and I’ve never been outside the country. I learned English mostly playing Space Station 13, which is an online role-playing game (if you let it be) where you have to read a lot (some of it even outside the game, i.e. guides and forums to get a good grasp of some mechanics) and write a lot (to communicate with other players); I mostly opted for translating single words or, sometimes, short phrases that I couldn’t understand, and did it both ways, i.e. to English and to Russian. On top of that, I spent a lot of time talking to people on the Internet, both on forums of various kind and through private/direct messages.

    So I read a lot, admittedly, even if it wasn’t fiction. I also watched a lot of YouTube and other media, but I can’t say it did much for my vocabulary.

    As expected, I saw more progress when I was not that good with the language, because I had to face a lot of the frequent words, phrases, and constructions. At some point I just stopped encountering much new.

    But that was until I picked up fiction in English. I can’t remember how often I had to look a word up, but I can definitely say that I had to do that more with Lovecraft than Rowling, for example, and never with some others. Hell, sometimes I have to look things up when reading Russian writers.

    So, first of all, this is completely normal, especially if it happens with words that you recognize as non-essential for the plot or your understanding of the events. Second, it very much depends on the book and the author.

    If I had to guess, you probably experience that with verbs or adjectives, as these usually serve as the means of introducing some variety or profoundness into one’s texts. I would say that, if you can help it, ignore them until they really prevent you from truly grasping the idea of what’s going on or what kind of emotions it’s supposed to invoke. You, however, mention that you are able to infer the meaning of many of the words you look up from context - and I, being a bit of a scientist, say that this is probably the best (if not the only) way to actually learn a word.

    I’m saying this because language is a very abstract phenomenon, and so is everything that it is comprised of. In English, for example, we have two separate words for a desk and a table, while both are translated as “Стол” (Stol) to Russian, because the distinction between the two never necessitated a single-world solution to my ancestors, apparently. Whatever people put in dictionaries is an approximation of what multitudes of people that speak the given language think of when they hear or use the word, and that’s very different between languages.

    So, I think that the best a person who understands the language as much as you do should just try and consciously resist the urge to look up meanings, for it seems to me that the context can already give you more than enough idea. As a result, I believe you should enjoy the act of reading more and develop a more natural, intuitive understanding of the words you may encounter.

    But most importantly, don’t forget to praise yourself on the already-massive achievement you’ve made, and thank yourself for the gift of being able to comprehend the vast amount of literature and other thoughts and ideas that the speakers of the English language have produced across centuries. Good job, good luck!