Namecheap + the dynamic DNS client in pfSense. No issues sinve I set it up years ago.
Before that it was a cron job that updated through the google domains api.
Namecheap + the dynamic DNS client in pfSense. No issues sinve I set it up years ago.
Before that it was a cron job that updated through the google domains api.
I recently set up and started using MediaTracker for this purpose. It’s kind of barebones, but functional. Seems like its biggest difference with movary is that it also covers TV, ebooks, audiobooks, and games.
I have a little section for movies and books on my website and i’ve been working on a script to automatically pull those lists and reviews from MediaTrackers api each time I build my site.
Stay suspicious. As a security guy, i’d way rather respond to 1,000 false positive reports than have an employee that doesn’t think about it and just clicks.
It is a great step but it’s rare to have enough buy in from upper managent to enforce any real consequences for repeat offenders. I’ve seen good initial results from this kind of phishing testing, but the repeat offenders never seem to change their habits and your click rate quickly plateaus.
I swear by ddrescue. It’s a situation I strive to never be but i’ve been there before. I used it once to rescue an employees masters capstone project from their dead work laptop.
As someone in the thick of it, it has been a nervewracking quarter for mortgage company IT and Infosec teams. There have been several very high profile breaches the last few months.
Oh MediaTracker looks nice, thanks!
.1Q because Q has a tag on it
Oh I highly recommend it. As a kid I read a lot of his work and my favorites were the Cask of Amontillado and The Tell-tale Heart. I still love those ones but I feel like I can appreciate the poetry and other stories now.
Another series I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of revisiting was Calvin and Hobbes funny enough.
Oh nice, have you read any of his other books? I keep meaning to get around to reading Bullshit Jobs.
The shuttle SRB’s were really only reusable in the same sense that the engine from a wrecked car can be removed, stripped to a bare block, bored out, rebuilt, and placed into a new car is reusable. Hard to say exactly how long it took to turn around SRB segments, but just the rail transport between Utah and Florida was 12 days each way. SpaceX has turned around Falcon 9 boosters in under a month.
And even with all of that, the most reused reusable segments barely flew a dozen times. There is one Falcon 9 first stage that has now flown 18 times.
You’re not wrong about parts having been reused in the past but the scale of what has been done before really doesn’t compare to what SpaceX does now.
Is this loss?
Do note though that for privacy purposes, a .us domain is not the best idea. You must be a U.S. citizen or business and registrars may try to verify your identity.
This is an interesting observation, not really something I have considered. The key difference here is that you are the one in control of those customizations. Whether the customizations are useful or harmful is entirely up to the user, Kagi just gives you the option.
For me at least, the majority of my searches I just want the correct answer to a question or a link to a specific resource I’m looking for. I don’t really use it as a content discovery engine. Being able to prioritize sites that I have found through experience to have reliable results and exclude sites that are uninformative or irritating is valuable.
I’m kind of with you on most American produced documentaries being obnoxiously dramatic. I especially hate when they add sound effects to historical footage. The exception that comes to mind is Ken Burns, emotional but not dramatized the way a History or Discovery channel show is.
Maybe try some of Werner Herzog’s documentary films? They definitely include music and are viewed through the directors artistic lens but they certainly meet your criteria of stylistically different.
Kagi! Worth every penny of the subscription. The emphasis on privacy is a big deal for me but the killer feature is the ability to customize results. I have sites I personally like/trust towards the top and have an ever growing blacklist of sites that don’t get shown at all. No more pinterest, spruce, or other seo spam sites!
Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy is probably the best known one. After Artemis Fowl which I re-read religiously as a teen, it’s my most re-visited book.
The kind of original one is The Third World War by Sir General John Hackett, which is interesting but not really a thriller.
Then there’s Team Yankee by Harold Coyle which is set in the world of Gen. Hackett’s book but from a U.S. armored cavalry team commanders perspective.
Larry Bond’s Cauldron differs from the usual NATO vs Warsaw Pact fare. Vortex and Red Phoenix by the same author are also great but not necessarily WW3 stories.
Arc Light by Eric Harry. I’m a big fan of cold war/WW3 novels and this one fits the bill. Most books in the genre kind of dance around nukes but Arc Light doesn’t hold back. The sense of dread i’ve gotten from this book has been awesome.
Look into using GNU stow! It’s exactly what you’re doing but it creates the symlinks for you.
This article is AI generated SEO spam.