Wow. What a mess.
I am old and grumpy. I support the trailing edge of technology. I can also be found over at @nickb333.
Previously 14 years u/nickbeee.<Deleted>
Wow. What a mess.
I’m not familiar with your reduced content. As you say Capitol I’m assuming the US? Did they restrict any particular albums or just some tracks/songs?
It’s probably worth mentioning their compilation double albums too - 1962-66 ( the red one) and 1967-70 (the blue one). These after i wore out a 45 of Penny Lane when I was 7 or 8.
Good to know about other users experiences. I’ve been with them for 20 years and apart from some downtime in the early years they have been solid. I don’t really have an issue to what their staff can access, it whether there had been any data breaches that I was unaware of. I’ve not looked at Proton but I was curious enough to look at Tutanota based on Germany as they have a presence on the fediverse.
Long time Fastmail user here. Where is it failing with respect to privacy?
I have tried the search, for example ! doesn’t return anything - but if I try or I get the response not found. Maybe I need to wait longer for the search to query the remote instance
I am having a similar issue here at I can’t see anything from listed in the communities.
And non-disclosure mentioned. Will they be wanting participants to sign an NDA?
I used Baconreader on Android but I may have subscribed to RSS at one time too. 14 years but not so much recently.
I lose interest and it becomes work
I know that feeling all too well…
Hello. Been here since April already. I’m a late Baby boomer, dad to one, granddad to four. Quite introvert and reserved (unless alcohol is involved) but if you poke me enough I might engage in conversation with you. Self-deprecating sense of humour.
Most of the time live in the UK but my SO lives in the US and I spend a couple of months a year over there, she spends time here too. We’ll eventually settle in one place but for now we both have active jobs so this has been a good compromise for the last 15 years. Add step-dad to one and step-granddad to two.
Religious beliefs - confirmed atheist - but I respect others’ beliefs if that’s what they choose and they live by their convictions (not just the one hour they attend their place of worship a week.)
Sexual orientation - I am a heterosexual male, however. I strongly believe that others may have different preferences, or be uncertain what their preferences are and I respect and accept this. I also encourage others who have narrower views to do the same.
I currently work in a technical support role in Civil Aviation, where most of the systems are now at the trailing edge of technology.
I feel that the Fediverse is a good thing and I hope it succeeds. But I do feel I’ve been here before with Fidonet and BBSs (bulletin boards), Usenet (internet newsgroups but before they were polluted by the Google Groups interface) and of course #IRC. Big Tech turned the internet into a consumer and business tool and monetised it by capturing the users in their walled gardens (yes, F…, T…, R…, G…,) Some of these I do still use to engage with less tech-savvy family and friends.
Updated to add my Mastodon link
This one. I need to use Farcebook occasionally and this allows me to stay logged in without getting tracked elsewhere. Same for my Google account.
I was going to overwrite mine after 14 years but a significant event made me hold off. My home city in the UK has been in the news for all the wrong reasons and r/nottingham is useful to keep up with events without having to trawl through the mainstream media and all the right-wing trolling that follows them. Maybe next week when I get back home and things have calmed down.
Yes. I would send for The Cleaner.