My cat is indoor outdoor and presumably gets his share of mice as well as a mix of kibble, canned and human scraps. He’s not once gravitated to pea protein with taurine additive or whatever weird shit y’all are forcing on what is in effect a carnivore who can’t articulate their wants to you.
I was vegetarian for more than a decade, vegan for a chunk of it. I felt awful the entire time but stuck with it because I was trying to do what I thought was right. Thing is, I had a choice. Cats can’t tell you they’re listless and feel bloated all the time (the way I was during my veggie phase) which has led to full on celiac for me these days
I legit cannot think of a more on the nose allegory for “missing the first for the trees” than forcing your carnivore pet to be vegetarian. Get a guinea pig or something
The DNC is a greedy, corrupt party which is wildly out of touch and only exists to enrich themselves
Before you @ me, the GOP are howling fascists who are just better at spinning the narrative by establishing an “other” as a scapegoat