I have no idea. That’s why I was asking 🤷
I have no idea. That’s why I was asking 🤷
Is it possible some of these were liquidations or inventory sell-off or something? As a data person my initial assumption would be a few bulk purchases throwing this calculation out of whack
I could see some private dealership figuring out a way to buy the vehicles and resell them as a hard-to-get item later
Edit: down votes for asking a question? Y’all are weird. I’m not even saying it’s not fraud.
Excuse me for literally typing on my phone from a plane and missing a typo. That’s some weak ground you’re standing on
Your reading comprehension apparently sucks. If that’s what you took away from my comments you never bothered to look past the keywords
“Spend more time in the real world”? Fuckin-a that is some pompous, condescending bullshit. You have no idea who the fuck I am or what I’ve experienced.
Done now. You’ve made it incredibly clear exactly what type of person you are
You are shifting the goal posts. My point is simply that the delusion of an armed insurrection against the government is naive in the extreme. It will never play out the way you imply by saying “the crazy Nazis are in charge so don’t give them a monopoly on force”. They already have the monopoly on the only force that matters in any realistic internal conflict scenario.
As for vaccines: your right to be a moron stops at the point where it endangers others. Your right to be an idiot does not supersede my right to life. That is a well understood principal in US law. Are you allowed to skip the vaccine? Sure. But I’m allowed to require you show proof of vaccination before letting you on my private property, including my place of business. And the same goes for public property too. The metal detectors used to keep guns out of government buildings is proof of this reality
The point is that if the total IDF death count in Gaza is that low after more than year of fighting, you and your rifle aren’t gonna do shit against the government if they’re able to convince the military to attack Americans on their own soil.
Like I said, I’m not trying to ban guns outright. If you want to defend your family from other crazy civilians with guns, I can appreciate that.
But this conversation started with a comment about Nazis being in power. You cannot fight that kind of power with the firearms available to civilians. Only other civilians with equally weak armaments
And my original comment was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of reversing course on vaccines when kids start dying when there are thousands of deaths every year, dozens of which are children in schools, and our leadership won’t even consider strengthening background checks or banning bump stocks
Cool cool cool. So let’s do an experiment. I’ll take a A-10 Warthog (and pilot) with its 30mm GAU-8 Avenger. You take a Walther PPK. Since the size of the gun doesn’t matter, just who you point it at, you should come out on top, right?
Your sophistry is just gun lobby propaganda in a pretty package.
Good luck shooting the operator of the drone that wipes out your apartment complex. Or the tank driver. Or the F16 pilot.
In 2022 there were 47 fatalities in the US just from school shootings alone.
Meanwhile, in the war in Gaza, the IDF death toll - facing an opposition backed by multiple governments, Hezbollah, and Hamas - is 844 since Oct 7 2023
Like, I’m not even a “ban all guns” person. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to own a gun
Fighting the gubment ain’t one of 'em. It’s a joke.
Yes, he has a consistent record of voting in line with the arms manufacturers’ lobby interests. He does not believe gun violence should even be researched.
If you think the type of arms you can get your hands on will help one iota you are gravely mistaken
Should the people ever need to fight the government of the US there are only two things that will matter:
How much of the military joins which side
Which nations supply each side with arms
Either the people get some of the military on their side (along with the planes, tanks, drones, etc they bring along) and are propped up by foreign interests, or the military steamrolls any resistance.
This has been true in every major conflict in the last several decades. You either have the support of military assets and foreign governments or you lose.
Dead kids changing a Republican’s behavior on a politicized issue???
Cool, now do guns.
If you like that, look up “Blendo” from the Robot Wars era (before BattleBots). Created by Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage, it was also a spinner. And insanely effective. And outrageously dangerous
Are you the key master?
This person is suggesting that there are more options to pursue than meeting people at work and the gym. And that it sounds like something else might be stopping you from seeking those things out.
It’s really, really easy to find a ton of information on Hezbollah and their history of criminal atrocities. Like, 20 minutes of googling easy.
Also it wasn’t my comment you were replying to.
Which sea and which river was that again? Is it perhaps some geography that categorically precludes the existence of Israel? Since, you know, from the river to the sea must be free, and I am pretty sure they don’t mean “free, under Israeli governance”
“Caring about Palestine” is not the same as waving the flags of Hezbollah, and Hamas, and changing “from the river to the sea”
I support Palestine and Palestinians. Israel is committing genocide.
I am also Jewish and will never wave a Hezbollah or Hamas flag, nor will you ever hear me chant that antisemitic phrase promoting the extermination of Jews.
You’re acting just as bad as the Israelis when it comes to perceiving anything but complete support for everything they do as an attack
Lol check my post/comment history and see how fucking wrong you are
Literally caucused for Bernie.
Everyone is so ready to pick up a pitchfork that you fail basic reading comprehension.
I’m literally just trying to think of ways they could have EXECUTED this. I said nothing of the legitimacy, fairness, justice, or legality of the behavior
It is the bread and butter of capitalist fucks to operate just barely within the letter of the law.
This was never apologia and your (and others) penchant for picking a fight is toxic as fuck.