Fellow ohioan as well, and since he has been our senator, I’ve seen him as the walking definition of the German word backpfeifengesicht. He seemed like a weasel to me from the get-go, and I could not for the life of me figure out why.
Fellow ohioan as well, and since he has been our senator, I’ve seen him as the walking definition of the German word backpfeifengesicht. He seemed like a weasel to me from the get-go, and I could not for the life of me figure out why.
Didn’t Data play with spot at one point with a cat toy? One of those feather toys on the end of a string? I swear I remember this happening.
This is good news to me since I don’t play twitch shooters.
As of right now? It’ll probably be the drop in support next year. While I have my complaints about Microsoft or any major corporation, for that matter, I’m not the most tech savvy. If Microsoft were to come out and say support is extended, I’ll stick with W10. If they come out with an OS that allowed me to pick and choose what software I wanted and didn’t load it with a shit ton of bloat ware I’d be all over that like shit on velcro. I know these are pipe dreams, and I will most likely move. For now, I will stay the current course until it’s time to jump into the Linux pool and learn how to swim.
Honestly my ability to game has what has kept me out of linux. I trialed PopOs a while ago. I will more than likely switch to it when shit starts getting super annoying.
Curious about this too. I was gonna spend some time trying some different distros. Both mint and PopOs are on my list.
Do I wanna know what stage comes after that?
I’ve taken the liberty of conducting the interview on your behalf. You didn’t like the job and quit within three days. You now no longer need to have this conversation and can do something else.
This vid should give you a good idea.
Not to mention the amount of “ghost jobs” that people are applying to and not knowing it.
I dont believe so no. Honestly don’t follow it because it just makes my blood boil.
He is probably waiting to see if his fan base actually raises all the money on gofundme.
What should I read next is a good resource for this. Personally I would suggest Pratchett. You can jump in anywhere with his books.
I’ve been considering making the move to Linux for a few months now. If this comes to pass that will more than likely be the final nail in the coffin. Based on what I’ve seen, Linux has become a lot more user friendly since I messed with it when I had it on a mini laptop back in the day.
I’m not sure if there is an IOS app for it but I use bodbot. It will give you a workout based on what you are wanting out of it. So if you are wanting to build muscle mass it’ll organize routines based off that goal. I will say though that it’s been a long while since I’ve utilized the free version. I paid for lifetime access some years back. Certain features were behind a pay wall that I wanted access too and I justified paying the rather hefty one time fee for it. You may not need those features so it may not be a big deal to you. Here check out their workout generator and see if this is what you are wanting.
Hit the gym and stay consistent about it. Not only will you feel better about yourself you’ll also be able to manage the physical pain you will have a lot better.
You made my day bringing up one of my favorite holiday movies 😁