He’s probably a grade-A bootlicker for the fascists, specifically for those sucking each-others’ toes in the White House. Conservatives and cis-people tend to be weird like that I’ve heard. Which is good for those in charge, as the people crave for TikTok for its druglike addictive qualities and thus the current King (bless His orange visage) in the White House (long may He reign) would get more of the people’s approval, while having bootlickers like these dudes in charge of it He’d also appease the zionists’ thirst to kill, rape, pillage, burn, enact genocide and rule over every muslim and muslim territory in the area, specifically right now the Palestinians, unimpeded, by blocking everything that even slightly smells of being pro-Palestine.
Oh no, poor Donnie! You want Elon to come and suck your toes? (I heard it’s something the cishets do, they’re weird like that)