It’s not just about upgrading. It’s also about being able to repair your computer. RAM likes to go bad and on a normal PC, you can replace it easily. Buy a cheap stick, take out the old RAM, put in the new one and you’ll have a working computer again. Quick & easy and even your grandpa is able to run Memtest and do a quick switch. But if you solder down everything, the whole PC becomes electronic waste as most people won’t be able to solder RAM.
That’s the complete opposite of AI slop?
It’s not my personal project. And can you explain why an art project about an video game that someone did using modern technology in combination with a modern version of some cool retro technology would be off topic in /c/technology ?
Read the article - in this case the problem is YouTube not reacting to the DMCA counterclaim.
he promptly sent YouTube a counter-notice, as the DMCA contemplates, and assumed that would the end of the matter. After all, he reasoned, Shakespeare is in the public domain, and besides, Shakespeare by the Seas assured him that it had not relied on Coallier’s claimed version of the Shakespeare plays in crafting the script for its performances; indeed, Shakespeare by the Sea had never heard of Coallier or seen his supposed copyrighted versions of Shakespeare, and hence could not have copied them. Even so, YouTube, ignoring the DMCA’s procedures, refused to honor his counter-notice or even forward the notice to Coallier so that Coallier could file suit for copyright infringement. Instead, it issued a copyright strike against Underwood’s channel and told him that he would have to work things out with Coallier.
All they had to do was to (and are legally required to do) is forwarding that counterclaim and then restore the content. Then the crazy dude claiming to own the copyrights to Shakespeare could try to sue the uploader. A sane legal system should throw out that quickly.
But instead YouTube didn’t forward that message, did issue its own copyright strike and might ban your account if you get too many of those strikes and then told them to negotiate with some nutcase.
Actually - yes, some models are really unsafe. There are “reverse peephole viewers” out there that allow people to, well, view into your apartement. And some models are just screwed together, so a burglar can unscrew them from the outside and then try to push down your handle via the hole.
Never heard of mini disk storage drives, but now I have to search if there is one that works on modern computers.
Those small balcony systems pay for them here in Germany at ~35 Cents/kWh in a few months. Even if your power bill is 7x cheaper, they will pay for themselves easily.
And does this have anything to do with generating power from solar panels on your own balcony?
I could totally imagine a clothed pig sitting in front of a computer
It’s not only about the pollution: Cruise ships are also bad for cities as cities. A cruise ship will vomit 5000 people into your city center. Most european city centers are quite small, so 2-3 cruise ships will totally overcrowd the city. People might buy some tourist shit, but they will get their breakfast & dinner on the cruise ship. That’s bad for local restaurants. They will not stay overnight, which is bad for local businesses, hotels etc. And they will push out other tourist, because who wants to stay in Dubrovnik when the experience is like this?
It really does make sense for cities to ban cruise ships and advocate other types of tourism, where the tourists are “doing” more for the local economy.
This can start a death spiral - the more cities & ports are banning cruise ships in the Mediterranean, the more traffic the other cities will get. That will increase the problems there, leading to demands to also ban cruise ships there and so on.
Those fake download buttons go way back - they were around in the late 90s. In a quarter century the ad industry hasn’t managed to block this easy to detect scam. I mean - how hard can it be to not allow ads that are just a big button with “download” on them? Therefore I never will deactivate my adblocker. Fuck them.
This shows how unfair the tech landscape is. The Kickstarter is currently at 45000$. Meta & Co generate that in seconds through their advertising or some billionaire gains that through investments in under a second.
Never use a “for-profit adblocker”. Ublock Origin is free, open source and therefore won’t fuck you over. You can guess where this “profit” is coming from when you’re not paying for your “for-profit” adblocker
Don’t worry about YouTube - according to alphabets filings they account for ~10% of Googles ad revenue. Google is posting record profits every quarter, so they should manage.
A few things:
The biggest problem with such a clause is that it is hard to define “evil”, even if it seems clear to you. Some people think that abortion is evil, so are abortion clinics banned from Json? What about the military and weapon manufacturers? Killing is evil, but you all know how the discourse about the military as national heroes that can’t be evil in the US goes. What about a service like X - is it evil? Can you define “evil” for a surveillance tool that brands itself as ad tech?
That also does mean that photobucket is training their fucking AI on my old account, which is full of Memes and Gifs I totally don’t have the copyright to. Some of them might even be from Disney movies.
Yeah, I really don’t understand why people are so confused. From a practical perspective your username is username@instance.tld and that’s it. You’re on some server and can simply follow that and you will see the posts.
WordPerfect really comes from a different time. Good look reading the stuff from your iOS notes app that saves everything somewhere in the cloud and that has no export option in 10 years.