3: none of the above (please)
I generally agree with 196 but not to the point of wishing people dead/celebrating deaths
3: none of the above (please)
lemmy’s first dank meme
the problem is with referring to women as females
it will be free as in “free”
pedestrian gets hit by car
goes straight up
no it’s not that
what would federation add here
man I don’t have dyslexia and this is much easier to read than something like arial
I love the pirate bay’s founder! shaggy from scooby doo
I agree with the sentiment, but they’re actually giving away those goods! to another corporation
I liked this up until they said “however you appear to be both a fool and a coward”. Insults do not tend to change minds, only cause people to be adamant that they are correct.
i’m gonna guess you are referring to the cat here
something something Cave Johnson
no it’s an antimeme
every meme i see about the no shit challenge or beans or the submarine makes me die a little inside
google en passant
welcome to internet_funeral