The equator itself is associated with very low wind speeds, aka the doldrums.
The equator itself is associated with very low wind speeds, aka the doldrums.
The worst is when one of the two questions is an open problem.
These Vital Farms eggs come with an insert with a QR code that allegedly shows you pictures of the specific farm your eggs came from. I’ve never bothered to look it up though.
At least it’s all on the far side of the garage door thingy that everyone has to roll under at the last second.
Guy looks kinda like he’s wearing a jacket with a gap at the waist. That would totally not work. You can’t have a gap that lets air out. The Apollo suits were one piece designs; two piece with a hard shell locking waist ring came later.
We’re talking nowadays about compression suits that are only inflated around the head and maybe some upper body. Those would help a lot with mobility, but nothing like that has been deployed yet.
Saute bell peppers or other milder peppers high enough to get colour or maybe a light char on them. Gets some smokiness in there with that paprika.
It’s not just lawmakers. There’s a bunch of lawsuits trying to use the federal courts to figure out:
These are all things that have been shrouded in secrecy, obfuscation, and contradiction. Because the truth is that the real answers are not legally sound. The fact that these people are scared to say the real truth is a good sign, because it means they still have some fear of the courts and institutions. Those institutions still have some power to mess up the plan.
DC city government is fairly directly controlled by Congress. There’s not much of a firewall there. So I’m not really surprised.
At least you don’t need to worry about hills in New Orleans.
With all of those, money is moving from the rich person to pilots, crew, maintenance staff, laborers, builders.
Gulfstream is an excellent example of this in action. Gulfstream jets can double the price over comparable products from brands like Bombardier or Cessna. And all of the crew, maintenance, training, and other operating costs can easily double as well. And, IMHO at least, there’s nothing about the Gulfstream aircraft that justifies this extravagant expense. As far as I can tell, the Gulfstream name is a machine that transfers money from unsuspecting and vain rich people straight to Gulfstream and a few aerospace workers.
not fit to have a job.
I thought they were mainly firing everyone new enough to still be on the standard probationary period.
I bet they had crappy throws or no throws, too.
For those who may be from the Frozen Nawth, Mardi Gras parades, particularly in New Orleans, are all about the free giveaways.
Even if you never plan to return, you are still (legally) on the hook to file a 1040-NR form with the IRS every year.
There’s a foreign earned income tax credit: this reduces your US tax bill by any income tax you paid to your residence country. For many expat working stiffs, this means they don’t have to pay anything to Uncle Sam, but they still have to file a tax return.
This type of control is known in industry as “bang-bang control.” Among other factors, it doesn’t help that the delay time between twirling the control and feeling the temperature change is often tens of seconds.
So, the “Hurricane Hunters” are primarily associated with the Air Force Reserve 53rd weather reconnaissance squadron. This gentleman is not one of those. It’s a moderately misleading headline.
Windows was never oriented around “just works”. That was Mac. Windows’s main selling point is that it never becomes incompatible, and that has largely stayed true. You can still to this day insert the disk for some proprietary application from Windows 2.0 and it will still install and run. Try that with another operating system!
For an interview with a Fox News journalist that aired on Fox News?
Comparing national militaries is a complicated and tricky business. I would like to recommend Perun on YouTube. Usually pretty good defense economic analysis in digestible one-hour PowerPoint presentations. Some comparative material.
See if that fracture holds up on /r/Conservative once the media machine decides what the talking points are
F35 is a major maintenance time sink. Something on the order of 10 mechanic-hours of maintenance for every flight hour. I’ve heard it costs something like 12k USD in maintenance just to start the engine and bring it to low idle.
I suspect it would take a lot less than six months to ground a fleet when the spare parts get cut off.