IIRC, heart attack is the “default” way if the cause of death is not specified, so supposedly I can write that Jane Doe dies peacefully in her sleep.
IIRC, heart attack is the “default” way if the cause of death is not specified, so supposedly I can write that Jane Doe dies peacefully in her sleep.
Interesting response for someone with your username
But I agree. I would probably use it as voluntary euthanasia tool for painful incurable disease/condition.
Thanks for reminding me I need to stop scrolling lemmy right 2 hours ago.
Have you tried to engage your core more? edit: Sorry in advance for the reddit link, but here you go https://old.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/1h4j9sl/tifu_by_never_using_my_core_muscles_for_thirty/
I think finding a community of people from your country might help alleviate some of the homesickness.
Maybe check/follow your ambassador social media and see if they have any event?
I thought you were making a scholarly pun. Turns out not et al
Mango tree!! 🥭🌳
It’s big, it provides plenty of shades, it’s unassuming, and most importantly it has mangoes!!
Dude, I would be ecstatic if my hypothetical date said they listen to marching band music. Please recommend me some.
Can I be your friend?
I’m very interested, would like to have family dinner tradition too when/if I start a family. I just don’t have any idea how to start. Can you tell me more how does the routine go? Like, who is responsible for what? Do you cook/buy dinner? What are the do’s and don’ts while having dinner? How to enforce it while making sure everyone enjoy this routine? What kind of obligations are okay as an excuse to not participate?
I know it’s too many questions, just the gist of it is fine.
I guess you’re kind enough to do that.
Do you have any good resource for beginner to learn about this?
I know I play video games much less now, but it is not because of the lack of interest, just time and energy.
Always hesitated to start playing when all I can think about are my responsibilities. The one time I tried playing the new Stardew Valley-like game, I Loved it but also not, because it was suddenly 3 AM on Monday 🥲
If I suddenly have 1 million in my bank account, I’m sure I’ll find my passion for video games back hah
There are many games that I still can’t wait to play and I’m in my mid 30s too. Then again, I care more about story and characters than (fast-paced) gameplay so maybe that’s why?
As a leecher with atrocious upload speed. Thank you so much for your service.
I always upvote unexpected Homestuck. 👍
Also agree it is a banger.
If Elsevier and the other major academic publishers are the cables in this metaphor, what is the closest equivalent to early-Netflix?
Just want to report that I don’t have this problem with my lemdro.id account using Voyager app. Not sure why.
Iirc someone said it’s because of the different version?
This is the most comprehensive strategy that I can vouch for.
Done all of them.
I would say, the last one is underrated but very much useful not just for getting over a crush but for personal growth in general, which is a lifetime skill.
You’d be surprised by how many adults don’t understand themselves or even avoid doing self-reflection. In consequences, stumble upon the same problem again and again without taking different/better approach to handle them.
What kind of nasgor do you like?