Enshitification in action. During 2024, Telegram declared war on rooted Android alongside WhatsApp and Viber. This means you can’t log in to your account if you have root access or if you don’t have Google services.
Enshitification in action. During 2024, Telegram declared war on rooted Android alongside WhatsApp and Viber. This means you can’t log in to your account if you have root access or if you don’t have Google services.
Ubuntu touch is dead. Are there at least native browsers for it?
Touch screen in the doorbell… What’s next? A doorbell that requires a mobile app to use?
The only browser that supports proper extensions such as Ublock origin (which is much more advanced than the built-in adblockers in other browsers).
It’s a video
Marketers manage to convince tech-savvy people that their device is almost unusable by manipulating percentages. For example, “50% brighter screen, 30% more energy efficient”. It even worked for me when I didn’t want to buy a previous phone model just because the latest generation had a 50% brighter screen. But then I realized that I was perfectly happy with the screen of my 4 year-old phone.
“Just Google it,” they said. So, you Google it. You find one result. It’s a forum post. From you.
It’s pretty clear. Facebook is now full of crap created by artificial intelligence (and not only).
Reinstall Windows and then debloat it. Here’s a guide from AtlasOS. I recommend it to all my friends who have just bought a new laptop. I have no complaints from them. Windows Updates, Defender, Microsoft Store work as expected.
Where are my weather widgets?
I protest the high prices of dental treatment by traveling abroad. It’s not only cheaper, but also a great opportunity to travel.
Slovakia, 300GB for 13 EUR/month, no texts and calls included
4ka? I saw 15€ price for this plan on their website.
Why? Even Windows has some kind of root out of the box.
Offtopic story: Sometime ago I needed 2 gamepads. So I went to the mall and bought 2 Acer gamepads for 35€ each. I unboxed them right after I left the shop. They were wired and looked and felt exactly like 5€ chinese gamepads. So I immediately returned them and went to another shop in the same mall where I got a pair of Speedlink Rait controllers for 22€ each. They feel very well-built, just like an xbox controller and are supported by all OS and console emulators out of the box. It basically shows up as a Switch Pro controller, so it’s perfectly supported by Yuzu.
Firefox Gnome theme for the full experience.
Why do Palestinians on the Internet blame Israel, but never HAMAS?
Android is already disabling fingerprint reader every 72 hours. So what’s the difference?
For some reason, I thought Ubuntu touch was EOL. Probably because I tried it on a Redmi 5 and it was an unofficial 2018 build. Is the Morph browser still supported? I checked the Github page and the last changes were 3 years ago.