• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • In France, the left government of the “Front Populaire” was forced by the unions to pass social laws that was not on their program, including 40h works per week, the 8h/day and the first paid holidays. The struggle of this unionize include general strike, demonstration and riot, and was sometimes repressed by the State.

    The 40h weeks where already done in Italy (until the rise of the fascism), thanks to the red week. Following the death of 3 people during a demonstration against war and colonization, an expropriator general strike was made in nothern Italy by local unions. Those strike do not stop every production, but focus on the needs of the workers. For example, foods was still collectid and dispatch, including by trains, but without trade; Malatesta try to warm workers to not accept the bourgeoisie gift, but to achieve the socialization of the society. Central unions accept, and betray the revolution. That may explain why the Operaism came from Italy. And why we -anarcho syndicalist- do not trust unions with hierarchy

    There is some other exemple, of cours in Spain with the CNT (20 millions people living in aracho syndicalist situation), in Ukraine with the joining force of mutualized farmers and industrial unions, and the IWW

  • There is no or a very small impact of regulation on the number of exiled people coming in country. However, making more people illegal let bosses exploit them more. Those workers could not sue their boss because of those regulations, and most conservative unions rely unfortunately too much on legal solutions.

    So if a country couldn’t limit immigrations, it could exploit more people and bybass human right with regulations against exiled people.

    Yes, this is only positive for far-right bosses, and awful for others. But guess who decide in a capitalist economy ?

    • Short term interest: Yearly benefits make the corporation value. Work to enhance stability, such as investment in other open source project, documentation, formation, or code quality enhancement are less likely to qet time
    • Commercial focus: In a capitalist economy, we don’t have pure and perfect knowledge of product. Even if it’s supposed to work like this, commercials and adds are way more effective to sell products, than a top notch product
    • Antagonist interests: even if workers tend to like making good stuff, they’d rather eat and get housed. Sending a warning because the products are bad or dangerous can threat someone that made a bad decision, which is likely to be someone in charge. Keeping a low profile is (unfortunately) a reasonable behavior

    I think that an economy lead by financial interest, open market, and a hierarchy in the production is a good definition of capitalism.

    And yes, definitely the way that people get food, housing, and not being exclude will define a lot of thing in society.

  • In any demonstration, you have to make some unproven statement, taken as true. It could be “1+1 = 2” or “God exists”. So sciences are methodologies based on believes. Lot of religions use logic and reasons, based on science and philosophy, to deduce things from their core believes. This is theology.

    So if both science and religions are based on believes, and could have the same methods, how to distinguish one of the other ? We could argue that science try to reduce believes as possible. Personally I’m not good enough in sciences to argue with religious people, and demonstrate that point. In trying to challenge my believes in scientific models, I have to stay tolerant with religious people (I’m not sure I would otherwise); which is a most productive approach. Furthermore, it helps to have a critical point on view on science (as you’ve said, and to taking it as a blind faith)

  • How do you know that science is not a believe like the other ? My answer is in challenge it with other believe systems to explain reality. Of course some things make a lot more sense with science methodology, but to be faire, te main point of religions is not to explain gravity.

    I consider other believes as opportunities, no to explain to others, or to be taught by others, but making both and strengthen us all.

    However, we shall to care do not confuse religions and believes. A lot of people took part in religions and do not believes, and others believes and do not took part in a dedicated community. This is a different topic. Communities are generally a good thing, but hierarchy lead to abuses. This true in every organization, religions include