Damn that would be so cool
May the melting pot grind my oriental charm into fine dust
Damn that would be so cool
Damn that’s cool, then maybe I should take a second look at Wordpress
Yeah actually writing Wordpress themes was easier than I thought. But I wrote them for the old editor, not Gutenberg – I opted for ClassicPress instead which was quite a banger in the effort-to-outcome equation
How did you manage to convince friends and (especially) family to actually use Matrix? Quite impressive!
Love it! I did feel uncomfortable with 2010s-Facebook-style excessive public sharing. Most of my friends, with me included, abuse the close friends Instagram feature and I’m all for it. I know a couple of people who deleted their old Facebook accounts because digital footprint was too frightening – particularly, the shit they posted during their teens in private Facebook groups that they have long left.
All of this is obviously not related whatsoever to data harvesting; this fight is against individual stalkers rather than corporate ones. But it’s a blessed one non the less; stalking shouldn’t really be a thing.
Technological advancements have the unfortunately intended side effect of corporations having less people they gotta pay to, because machines are quite the competitor sometimes. While I think OP is being a bit pedantic here, efficiency in and of itself is not inherently good – the question should be who’s extracting the profit. If the increased efficiency translates into less working hours… hell yeah. If it translates into record megacorp profits, then… I see no need in eliminating these unnecessary jobs for now – the worker gets their bread and that’s what I care about
Wtf?? Thanks! Now I wonder what other features are hidden here
Lessgooooo these are great news! Thanks for all you’ve done. Also am I tripping or the person reading this comment haven’t donated yet?
That is the first time I’ve seen South Africa listed separately from Africa