For me, she is starting from these pieces of information … she’s a Yale law school alumni. Do with that what you will.
For me, she is starting from these pieces of information … she’s a Yale law school alumni. Do with that what you will.
AI is the new decade long FAANG tech scam. Now that Microsoft, Google, and others have planted enough curated demos in the public domain, and established their first mover advantage it is time to do what they always do.
Big tech are basically just the new breed of MIC. Make room Lockheed Martin, et al.
Can’t wait for these to get hacked and turned against us.
If a hospital can’t operate because some asshole was able to remotely hack it bad enough to basically shut it down, we might need to rethink how things are run.
Seems best to do this after firing the first 2-3 levels of leadership since this whole mess was created under their watch. Maybe the next thing to do is to ask if the US government wants to so heavily depend on a company that is no longer a US entity.
Microsoft is overwhelmingly Indian contractors now. Infact much of the large legacy US tech companies have done so much offshoring I’d hardly call them US companies anymore. Are these companies really who we want to stake our national security on?
This stuff is literally a bullshit(1) machine. How can you fix it without making something else entirely?
Anything with over 100WH batteries would need airline approval before you can fly with it. This is why laptop makers rarely exceed this limit.
My impression is that on M(n) silicon Parallels is the most polished virtualization experience on Mac you can get now. Virtualbox lives under the shadow of Oracle which is not a place you want to be.
The initial pin that most folks have to enter is needed to decrypt the partition with user data. This is not 100% foolproof for keeping LEOs out since there are many known, and likely more unknown, ways to brute force these but it is still the best option.
No, it is not.
Last year, security analysts at Microsoft identified mysterious code linked to communications systems in Guam, the US territory in the Pacific with a massive strategic air base.
is currently pointing to:
Here is a link to the Independent story above without the tracker bullshit.
May I remind everyone of CALEA. Just in case your skim of the page makes you think it is only for phone/telecoms…
In the years since CALEA was passed it has been greatly expanded to include all VoIP and broadband Internet traffic.
redhat is just sitting right there… waiting,
This very partial list is based on my being in cyber security for 20 years and working a variety of incidents involving these apps. You all can do whatever you want with your computers.
So just to illustrate, I went to the normal FileZilla download page and downloaded the Win64 package. Then I submitted it to VirusTotal.
Kaspersky is just one piece of software to avoid. Others include:
ARM is limited by licensing greed. RISC-V or its successors is the future.
When you work for Apple, Apple gets to tell you what to do. Same goes for any corporate owned media outlet.
Jon Stewart has more than enough money to just quit, which he did. Most normal folks do not have this luxury so they tow the line.
Welcome to the reality that the US economic system.
No real free speech, no real agency in our economy, captive regulators that like to masquerade as populist heros but rarely actually do any real damage to sociopathic corporations.
So you sold your house to investors that will use it to add to this pretty obvious problem because you did not want to be bothered to wait 2-3 weeks extra to close? Thanks for doing your part to eleviate the larger problem.
Don’t fall for this horseshit. The only danger here is unchecked greed from these sociopaths.