Why don’t you stay there and fix your country?
Why don’t you stay there and fix your country?
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,"
My mom was from New Jersey. I have a lot of family there and only one cousin is MAGA. I know most Americans are ok but if this happened now it could happen again.
Trust is gone. At least from my perspective as a Canadian
Fwupd is a pull model, not a pushed automatic update. Who the fuck doesn’t read release notes and do due diligence before running fwupd?
You’re using open source third party firmware and higher end networking gear as an example. Of course they work. Shitty consumer grade brands aren’t in the same class
Mf’ers act like they forgot about zstandatd
That’s exactly the plan
There’s nothing like uefi between the os and the hardware
Every device had it’s own device tree and kernel with custom driver’s, binary blinds, and system software. All of it runs beside the closed source modern os
I ducking love you guys
I’m an arch desktop user, but I’d never use it for a server. Debian for that please.
I’m using arch and Firefox. But I keep chrome as a backup because I also have a ton of nest devices… Is your mind blown?
It’s definitely one of the best
How did Canada, or "Trudeau"as you put it, cave? We put in place retaliatory tariffs and trump caved, as far as I can tell