May I suggest you have a look at cosmos cloud? It’s comparable to casaOS from a usability standpoint but it is more secure and has much more features like integrated Auth-Proxy.
May I suggest you have a look at cosmos cloud? It’s comparable to casaOS from a usability standpoint but it is more secure and has much more features like integrated Auth-Proxy.
Authelia is an authentification provider. So you can have a single login for all your services. It can provide autorisation and authentification with a single unified login.
Bitwarden is much “simpler”, in it’s just a passwordmanager. As soon as you start sharing passwords, like you do in bitwarden, you lose the authentification part, even worse, you lose control over the shared login. Anyone with autorisation can “steal” the login as in unauthorized copying/distributing the password or even changing the password alltogether.
With an sso like authelia you can mitigate such attack vectors.
Quick heads up, Nextcloud works perfectly fine behind an auth provider. I am using it behind authentik.
Blaming bad usability/lack of features on the user is just what it: a bad excuse.
Swiss here, Blick is known for low quality news. This “news” is only a claim from some unknown party. Very likely inaccurate or even plain wrong.
Are you serious? Instead of doubling down on your ignorancy by asking rhetorical questions you could also try to inform yourself. The answer to your question is in OP’s post:
The children in these photos/videos can’t make pornography, they’re sexually abused into making this material. CP insinuates that it’s legitimate porn with children. CSAM, on the other hand, calls it what it is: sexual abuse of children.
Well I didn’t say it fixes the problem. I’m just saying you’re ignoring it. By ignoring the issue, you’re empowering the issue. Which is definitely worse than not doing anything. So your opinion is wrong and ill-educated.
Just because you aren’t affected doesn’t mean it is no problem. This isn’t needlessly pedantic, it just shows your ignorance and idiocy.
I have printed some food safe prints for a friend couple of times now. Nozzle is stainless steel, Filament is natural HIPS. Stainless & HIPS are both food safe materials (if not mixed with color pigments). After the print, you need a clean surface. HIPS can be smoothed in an Acetone-Bath. Simply put it in for 10-15 min and you’ll have a glossy finish.
HIPS is very easy to print in an enclosure and the resulting product is fairly stiff and durable. It’s also temp resistant up to 90-100°C. So it’s dishwasher safe.
Do not inhale acetone vapor, wear respiratory masks that filter out voc like acetone vapor.
I agree. One thing I’d like to add: There are also low thermal mass floor heating systems available nowadays (usually dry, built on top of a layer of Insulation). These aren’t that slow to react. But of course, these bring not only advantages but also drawbacks.
While being the cheapest, AC is also the type of heating with the least amount of comfort, while the most expensive solution, underfloor or wall heating is the best comfort. Radiant heat is much less intrusive than blowing air around violently.
You’re also wrong. Mainly, It has to do with the thermal capacity/mass of the building and not with differences in insulation values.
There are pros and cons for all building types.
Wearing a gun may give you some protection, but it also brings you a false sense of security and introduces countless new risks while negleting the source of the issue. If you’re actually living somewhere, where it’s “normal” to wear guns it’s a far better idea to just relocate. But then, many folks are just scared and don’t actually gain any increased safety from wearing a gun.
The label “nazi” just makes it easier to point fingers at them. It’s much more true that assholes, racists and fascists are simply everywhere. In every country and every society. We as a society need to do our job and fight for our rights, fight against the uprise of organized egoism.
There are recent examples, where we failed. f.e. russia, afghanistan the list goes on…
I was once at the exact same point where you are now. Marlin+octoprint really is good enough for most cases once you’re up and running.
I pulled the trigger for klipper a couple of years ago and honestly never looked back. Mainsail is just so much more refined and usable than octoprint. Tuning Firmware Settings in klipper is so much simpler than marlin, it’s just a breeze.
Combined with modern controller board (f.e. mks skipr), modern drivers like TMC2209, sensorless homing, Canbus-toolhead, resonance measuring, mmmh… chef’s kiss ;)
Thx… I thought it was something with an !.. but the part at the end i missed lol.
I hope aptera will save us.