I tried that disabling addons helps with certain sites but not others. I can’t find a clean fix.
I tried that disabling addons helps with certain sites but not others. I can’t find a clean fix.
I’m still getting greyed out login buttons on certain sites.
actually it still doesn’t work on some sites
hey that did work! I’ll just have to figure out which extension is messing things up.
Feel free to take a look at this documentary https://youtu.be/-rsImQShehk
This is incredible. High Schoolers solving questions that are thousands of years old.
Bruh, how am I supposed to get burried with my Victoria 2 communist speed run
Why is it so bad?
Having 3 part time jobs is a human rights violation
Racist piece of shit
Thats interesting! I’d love to see it by country though. Comparing young and old in the USA or South Korea would be interesting I think.
I would like to see this again for people under 30. Or maybe just people who were single in the last 5 years. I feel like this doesn’t actually give too much information without accounting for other factors. I do think the unsure category in this study is interesting though. South Korea’s being tiny makes sense given their divisive situation. I wonder what situations lead to that number being bigger or smaller.
Hawaii was great until the haoles fucked it up. So was a lot of pre colombian america. And parts of pre colonization africa.
Just because Europe was shit doesn’t mean it was shit everywhere. Europe is pretty unique in that it has been total warring itself for over 2000 years straight. The streak ended in world war 2, but goes back to the bronze age.
Could those places I listed be improved by modern medicine and trains? Sure. Doesnt mean they were terrible.
damn google has really gotten shit then. I used to avoid duckduckgo because of how much better google was.
I downloaded freetube, is that one ok?
I had no idea there was a vanced replacement!!!
thank you sweetie