Visiting was never the problem… going back home was.
Visiting was never the problem… going back home was.
the truest form of Linux, without all the GNU bloat, well done! :)
Oh man, i wish the US had those laws.
America also got this far… just fell short at the sending to jail part.
I hope that’s true for corpo clients too so that my employer gets pissed and we can get some decent hw.
Okay but where does the invisible hand dryer go?
Isn’t one of the criteriae of being a member of the G7 to have a well functioning economy?
Yes, it was Al Gore!
Wait until you hear who created the internet!
Afaik Ford Focus == Volvo V40/V50 in those years, basically with a different chassis and insignia :)
Found the fellow Volvo user? :)
Apart from my home hifi (which is built around flac) everything i liaten to ia mp3. Podcasts - mp3. Car audio system? Max 192kbps mp3. My phone? Full of mp3. And I’m sure I’m not alone. To say mp3 is not relevant anymore is just misguided.
and, is the jury already in on which ai is most fuckable?
took them 90 years but it worked out in the end
this is the response I came for :D
and, shocker, it was even less than “less than 1%” before electric cars were invented!
I take it you brush your teeth during showering :)
My little pony. My pihole is pinkypie, mediaserver trottingham, homeassistant is ponyville, and my backup server is canterlot. And so on… :)