Because JJ Abrams uses the name Kelvin in a lot of his works. I think it was his grandfather or something. But in Star Trek specifically, it is the name of the ship around which the events that the divergent timeline started.
Because JJ Abrams uses the name Kelvin in a lot of his works. I think it was his grandfather or something. But in Star Trek specifically, it is the name of the ship around which the events that the divergent timeline started.
Most of the hate is because of the maintainers not maintaining their security certificates. Another similar distro is EndeavourOS, which I personally prefer. But either way, find what works for you.
That would be a catfish hooker, though I hear they taste like ass.
Yeah, many were, or were independently re-developed, but never quite the same.
It was similar to what things like Teams turned out to be. But it was when things even like office online were in their infancy. Everyone knew that it would be great one day, but not until everyone was comfortable with each of its individual components.
Google Wave would be much more helpful now. Too bad it was released (and subsequently killed) about a decade before anyone was ready for it.
That’s the face I’d make if someone shoved a spoon of Greek yogurt in my face too.
Came here to post a comment about it, but saw that you beat me to it. Glad I’m not the only one who appreciates that show!
Turning West Virginia into a lake would be quite a benefit.
Raid Shadow Legends sounds like it should be a cockroach spray.
I agree. I don’t even remember when I installed my current system. Sure there have been a few hiccups, but I’ve always been able to recover without getting frustrated and reinstalling.
Michael Fassbender could pull that off.
Dude from high school contacted me out of nowhere. “You seem like you’re good with people. I’ve got an opportunity for you!” Me: “I’m an engineer with autism, what do you think?”
He seemed truly surprised that I wouldn’t jump at the opportunity. And to top it off, he never could tell me exactly what he was trying to sell.
I was expecting the final box to say “You never had a soul to begin with!”
Laying there like a bunch of dachshund puppies.
That explains why you’re always broken
Actually, the Rankine timeline would probably be a better comparison.