So they copied a gameboy. Let’s cheer
So they copied a gameboy. Let’s cheer
Colonel Vadim Boyko 2022
Shot himself 5 times in the chest. Russia not even trying to hide it
Anyone can go to a ss office and get a tax id for free. It acts as a ss#
Most of her books are about ghosts. “The haunting of Blackwood house” is pretty good and light hearted. “From below” is also good. Start there
I’m working my way through Darcy Coates books. Most are pretty good.
I’m glad I watched that. Thanks for the laugh
Wow I thought America was messed up. We are but wow.
Practice being honest. Say I don’t know. Ask how you can help. Listen. Its not hard just being there and honest you can learn alot and improve.
The title is the whole story. Nothing else. Saved your time
Im on memmy and it does this. IOS
If you’re seeing politics in anime take a break.
Yea. I didn’t like gameboy and I don’t like the look of this.