I’m a dev manager… I have 3x4k monitors. I watch server loads, I watch the build pipeline and watch the commit logs etc.
Overkill these days, but I’m also a gamer sooooo…
I’m a dev manager… I have 3x4k monitors. I watch server loads, I watch the build pipeline and watch the commit logs etc.
Overkill these days, but I’m also a gamer sooooo…
I’m a senior manager at a pretty big company.
That’s something she does on the side, and if anyone in the workplace gave her shit, I would tell them to leave it the fuck alone unless they wanted me to bring HR in to the convo.
Can people please not be cunts? (I’m an Aussie…)
Edit: People need to disconnect things. Say there’s leaked nudes (or even just public nudes) of a work colleague. Let’s take it to they used to do porn. Yep, that’s something they did. That has zero impact on their role now or who they are in their role. They don’t deserve shame, or ridicule.
I once got a taxi from Sydney airport when I was there for work. The guy tried to go through the boom gate by tailgating the car in front. Broke the boom gate and just kept driving.
Lots of taxi drivers here are completely terrible. Try to rip people off and have had a lot of friends file sexual harassment complaints too.
First two (as others have mentioned) can be symptoms of Anhedonia
Adding to your list:
Sloe gin sour
Sloe gin fizz
I thought of it as a great band name…
Ocean Lab - Breaking Ties (https://youtu.be/g13nsQaCxbg )
Great breakup song if you want to just let it out
John Farnham - Help (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dv54giOSRKs )
This is a cover of the Beatles song. Very different vibe to the original
Realising now my music tastes are a bit weird…
I have a limited edition cell from the Justice League animated series signed by Bruce Timm. Got it about 15 years ago for about $900AUD, it’s worth about $2000AUD now.
https://www.animationartgallery.com/product-p/wblcc1212.htm (plus I got it shipped with a proper frame and UV perspex etc.)
I just came back to this thread. What did I start?! :)
Australia is the most expensive place in the world for cigarettes so… The latter. But they won’t ban it because it makes the govt. so much money.
It’s because he’s wearing a double-breasted suit. Not really in fashion anymore.
(Useless fact for you :))
Being the petty person I can be at times, someone on ye olde reddit posted a list of people who “died from the vaccine” and listed… 23 names I think it was? I looked up all the information I could on all 23 and concluded 2 of them I couldn’t definitively say what their cause of death was, but not a single one pointed to the vaccine (and a not-insignificant number wouldn’t have even had access to the vaccine in their country at the time they supposedly died from it.)
I know it didn’t change their mind because hand wave reasons
Same here for the same reasons (although I started with FreeBSD 4.x) and have adapted to ZFS and Jails over the years.
The POLA (Principle Of Least Astonishment) when it comes to changes is awesome too.
Any time!
Psychosis is a literal break from reality. I suspect when the police showed up she was no longer psychotic and realised what was happening and couldn’t deal with what had happened. She knew she did it but couldn’t understand how or why but knew she did it by physical evidence, she now knows she did it but the integration of her psychotic state and actions to her non-psychotic state would be crushing, hence the suicidal actions she had.
Like a lot of things it’s a differential analysis, meaning it’s down to narrowing things down but there is also blood tests, chemical tests etc. It’s fairly accurate but relies on anecdotal evidence such as past historyt etc.
Many years ago I worked in ‘criminal psych’ but this isn’t just “Oh I think this is why it happened.” The article is light on but it seems she has never shown any psychological/psychiatric issues. This is a difficult one for me since I’ve seen people with substance-induced (or drug-induced) psychosis.
Psychosis is crippling, and she will be experiencing guilt and there’s probably an onset of a psychotic disorder. People saying she ‘got off light’, while she’s lucid she knows what she did and will be struggling for life with this.
There’s a few ways to do it, but analysis is normally done via PRISM along with other things.
“PRISM is a semi-structured diagnostic interview designed to deal with the problems of psychiatric diagnosis when subjects/patients drink heavily or use drugs”
Australia. We seem to be doing OK-ish vs. Right Wingers, but we still have our own issues…
Problem is I imagine a lot of their hardware is under NDA so they’re unable to. I appreciate what they’re trying to do but a lot of hardware companies sadly won’t allow them to publish a lot of things. I do wish there was more open-source hardware (and I say that as a huge open-source advocate)
100% My job is to stop the team from feeling all the corporate BS as much as possible. I’m an ex-dev myself so my job is to make sure they’re OK and that thy’re not getting pressure from stakeholders/PMs/POs etc.
A massive amount of tech managers have zero empathy sadly. But I’m the complete opposite. If anyone in my team isn’t doing OK they just need to tell me, whether it’s financial, personal, work-related etc.