Yeah in theory that’s a 50h game, but I can turn any game with a nonlinear plot into a 500h game, give me a side quest I love, a mini game or an open world that’s interesting enough and I’ll never finish the main quest.
she or they pronouns pls :) I made this account because I’m a bit too obsessed with Strange New Worlds at the moment, but I’m probably gonna use this for all kinds of fandom shenanigans (Whoops, this is my main account now since the other instance I was on got deleted)
Yeah in theory that’s a 50h game, but I can turn any game with a nonlinear plot into a 500h game, give me a side quest I love, a mini game or an open world that’s interesting enough and I’ll never finish the main quest.
Unlike some I’m not here to insult other people :)
Yeah you have a point there and I totally get how my comment was a bit shortsighted on that end, but I was just weirded out by the fact that a CEO’s political position is supposed to be indicative of the future actions/positions of a company. Sure it’s not entirely unlikely that it might affect the company in the future, but OPs post just felt a little like fearmongering to me.
Yeah you’re right, I hadn’t considered that because I never paid a single cent for anything Proton, that’s a mistake on my part. Sometimes I forget capitalism is still a thing.
A comparison of singing the praises for a modern proto-fascist movement with “secretly loving Windows” is… certainly something.
If that’s the takeaway you had from reading both of my comments then I honestly can’t help you, but I can try to spell out my intent a second time:
I deliberately chose Linus Torvalds because he’s basically Jesus of Lemmy but I didn’t expect to be called a fascist over a dumb analogy I used to show that OP might be overextrapolating a CEO’s standpoint onto a whole company. I agree that there is a not insignificant risk of this affecting the company, don’t get me wrong, but this post just feels like fearmongering.
I agree that my analogy is fucked up and a little stupid, but I was just applying OPs logic: Andy Yen doesn’t do any more for Proton than Linus Torvalds does for Linux; they’re just stand in figures that people project their love or in this case hate onto. I doubt he personally wrote a single line of code for Proton. In that case Linus Torvalds is actually way more involved with Linux than Andy Yen is with Proton; Andy Yen might have more power over Proton but afaik and like you said Proton is owned in majority by its foundation, which I hope does get a say in what they do.
Protonmail has been my main email provider for the past 7 years, and unless its CEO decides to sell it to Trump or Musk I honestly don’t see how his stupid private or not so private opinions are worth the hassle of changing my email for the million things I use my main and all the other emails I registered with Protonmail.
Most rich people have very dubious or outright awful political opinions and unless you’re rich enough to have someone build you an alternative or deconnected enough from society/only exist in programmer circles and are able to live entirely on FOSS software I don’t see why the average user should care about the CEO’s political stance. Maybe that’s my ignorant opinion as a European, but would you stop using Linux if you found out Linus Torvalds secretly loves Windows? Probably not.
How has nobody memed this yet? You guys seem waaay too comfortable sharing personal information for the fact that this is the website of linux nerds, don’t you care about online privacy?
So it’s yours? That’s so cool! Do you still do pixel art or have any art-related social media where one could follow you?
I don’t think I should be voting on the poll since I’m still catching up on all Trek between TOS and Discovery, so I only know one of the 4 characters pictured and that’s Number One. But that got me to think about another possible name: Number21 or Number2One/NumberTwentyOne, or however you want to spell it. Idk if the 21 in your username has some meaning to you, but that way you’d be able to keep it :)
But it also kinda sounds like you’re ordering something off a menu so idk about that… ^^’
Just a guess, but I assume magazines are part of physical press. I know a lot of millenials (according to this definition of millenial) who buy magazines for their interests, be it music, games, geology, astronomy or history. A lot of times it overlaps with having been in tertiary education and I assume Gen Z would show similar statistics if you asked someone who was pursuing a masters degree or a doctorate.
It’s a screenshot of a character from the TV adaption of The Expanse, Jules-Pierre Mao. He’s famous for doing experiments with radiation ::: spoiler minor Leviathan Wakes/Season 1 spoiler and neglecting any human rights while doing so. :::
(I hope this works, it should show a shitty meme I made on my phone)
I know you’re joking but I have a friend who’s like that; their introduction to Star Trek were the 2009 movies and afterwards they started watching a bit of the previous series but never really got into it. So they keep telling me how amazing the 2009 movies are (I’ve seen them all once around the time the released, I don’t recall a lot of the plot, just that I found them to be very un-star trek, they watched them religiously) and how hot all the actors are and I just roll my eyes and say “yeah yeah, suuure”. Still love them, despite their weird Star Trek opinions.
As someone who’s leaning more towards the introverted side of the specturm this is just what I do at house parties when my social energy for the day has left me, but it’s not socially acceptable to go home yet. The longer the night goes on, the more I’ll be in the bathroom. Not because I drink so much, but because it’s the place where I’ll be guaranteed a few minutes to myself where I don’t have to keep pretending that I’m enjoying this.
I appreciate the advice but don’t worry too much about me; I’m currently doing one, max. two episodes per day and while it’s still semester break at my uni right now I don’t even manage to watch one every single day and when classes start again it’ll be even worse :')
Plus I (presumably, still on the search for a doc to diagnose me) got ADHD so I gotta make the most out of the obsession while it lasts, the last time I was this obsessed with something it only took 2 years for the obsession to wear off…
But I’ve been more or less (mostly less for the past 8 years) invested in Star Trek since I was like 10 so I assume this is gonna be a life long thing for me :)
While I’m not able to help you with the setting up part, I’d use it and I like the idea :)
Though I don’t think it’s mainly the missing abilities that keep me from creating memes myself; it’s the fact that I feel I have too little knowledge compared to everyone else, but I’m on my way to change that, currently trying to watch all of Star Trek that I haven’t seen and rewatching the part I have seen.
I’m probably far from the first person to make this connection, but Noonien seems like a pretty obvious phonetic misspelling of Nguyen to me. I last watched TOS and a lot of material related to Khan as a kid and I don’t know too much about Roddenberry as a person, but given his other stances I think it’s not impossible that this is his “hidden” commentary on the Vietnam war. And even putting all of that aside for a moment; his “friend” (if he really existed) might’ve been ethnically Chinese, but born in a different Southeast Asian country and the native language there then adapted his Chinese name to fit their phonology. But I don’t know, I’m not a professional linguist, I might be way off here… (Ah I just saw Deceptichum had pretty much the same thought as me but was faster in writing them down ^^')
The SNW courtroom episode made me cry so hard, I loved it.
Let me preface this with the fact that this is no way meant to hate of Star Trek:
I can’t remember if it was season 1 or 2 of SNW, but there were multiple episodes where Uhura spoke about different dialects of a language. And I think that’s technically what aliens would consider all languages that are spoken on earth as well; dialects of each other. So the in-universe explanation is that the Federation was founded by humans and therefore thinks of languages on earth as languages and every other planet only has different dialects, not languages. Linguistically it’s rather vague what constitues as a language and what is a dialect.
The ‘normal’ explanation is one of the imperialism of the English language and American exceptionalism (Aliens of one planet all speak one ‘weird’ other language, while we all speak very ‘normal’ English on our planet).
… which is almost the same number of times “Pump up the jam” is being sung in the 1989 one-hit wonder of the same name by Belgian duo “Technotronic”.
*cue Pump Up The Jam*
Which ads would feature the common, uncommon and rare Shatner if that one is already legendary?