ask specific questions in an email
5 minutes later
“I wanted to call to discuss the email”
Fuck. Off.
ask specific questions in an email
5 minutes later
“I wanted to call to discuss the email”
Fuck. Off.
“Need” to upgrade?
need is a strong word, lmao
Probably just not very nice and self absorbed
Probably would’ve done better if they hadn’t charged such insane prices for them.
Especially FF7 rebirth lmao - a decades old game, made pretty, but still a decades old game -
ff7 rebirth 1.3x MORE EXPENSIVE than Baldurs Gate 3 at normal prices. Out of touch motherfuckers…
Genuinely was interested in getting ff7 until I saw the price tag, then immediately said nah fuck that and noped out for good
I thought tumblr was where ppl who think they are funny or clever go to add captions to things that are actually funny, and make them less funny through their stupid caption or commentary
Look, me too, but, the average punter on the street just looks at AI new features and goes OK sure give it to me. Tell them about the dodgy shit that goes with AI and you’ll probably get a shrug at most
Sometimes it’s Grain liquor and slim jims (happiest expression)
But if you get t-boned then your journey is finished immediately
And less porn (for now)
At least Negan had some redeeming qualities.
Learn to moisturise goddamnit
Thanks, Obama.
Why is Spotify’s shuffle so abysmally awful? It’s nigh on useless
Almost like race is a bs social construct and we are all human who deserve to be treated well
For the average user, with maybe a little bit of IT knowledge but doesn’t work in IT, what can we do for ourselves and our families other than go to win 11 eventually?