And the US State Department is literally the US State Department. The same US that just aided and abetted a Palestinian genocide for 15 months.
And Noam Chomsky is Noam Chomsky, regardless of who funded the production of that video.
And the US State Department is literally the US State Department. The same US that just aided and abetted a Palestinian genocide for 15 months.
And Noam Chomsky is Noam Chomsky, regardless of who funded the production of that video.
Did you unironically send us to a US .gov propaganda website to get information about a US enemy state’s disinformation?
Where are you getting this idea? Only about 10% have dual-citizenship. Who’s going to absorb the other 90%? And most probably aren’t wealthy enough to simply pick up their lives and leave.
If it’s a pejorative term, then you’re not building the justification for its usage that you think you are.
Your views seem to coincide with Russian propaganda.
You know who else was a vegetarian? Hitler.
Views stand of their own merits irrespective of such coincidences.
Please enlighten us, vagueposter, what does it explain?
We, the Taiwanese people are the original China. Before China changed the characters and language and destroyed thousands of years worth of heritage.
Characters that no one could read, because the vast majority of people were illiterate peasants living under pre-industrial feudalism and suffering from frequent famines.
My parents and the older folks still dream about taking back the mainland Taiwan. The KMT party here tries very hard to make it happen.
The KMT are fascist.
Corporate media are owned by the oligarchs for whom fascism serves. Fascism is a false revolution that keeps the capitalist class in power.
Michael Parenti, Backshirts and Reds:
Divested of its ideological and organizational paraphernalia, fascism is nothing more than a final solution to the class struggle, the totalistic submergence and exploitation of democratic forces for the benefit and profit of higher financial circles.
Yeah… I don’t think you’re the expert on China censorship you present yourself as.
I think you just regurgitated every piece of Cold War propaganda & every rumor about Chinese censorship that you’ve ever heard.
This is the crux of it. People are so used to getting away with “bravely” parroting Western Cold War propaganda that even the mildest push-back is experienced as a massive affront.
Okay Judge Judy 👍
Given that a few hundred people died, I think it’s safe to assume that government agents must have killed at least some nonviolent protesters, yes. I don’t know anyone who’d dispute that.
Quite a few of the people killed were unarmed military & police, which means that at least some of the “peaceful” protesters were not as peaceful as Western media portray them.
People did get killed, but no one died in the Square, and calling it a “massacre” is a stretch. Here are some NSFW/NFSL images and here is a video what actually went on with tank man (who blocked tanks from leaving the square, not entering it).
Or Trump keeps extending it or the newly formed Congress rolls back the law or the corrupt Supreme Court changes its mind or or or.
They entire US government is a game of oligarchic Calvinball.
What are you talking about? They usually counter with a whole monograph, with links to receipts, like you got just now.
Multiple simultaneous community bans are almost always artifacts of a site ban. Site bans don’t reliably federate in the modlog, so you have to check the modlog at the site that banned you: https://lemmy.ml/modlog?actionType=ModBan&userId=5313048
deleted by creator
Why do I need to reread the book? What do you think I don’t understand?
I’m quite aware that Al Jazeera’s name is on the video. It’s right there, out in the open. All the video does is summarize Herman & Chomsky’s propaganda model. Do you think Al Jazeera’s involvement will give you cooties somehow?