He should have vetoed it just for the lulz
He should have vetoed it just for the lulz
I’m not kink shaming but if you fuck the broccoli you better not leave it at the farmers market. You take that shit home with you afterwards.
Most technology is magic to the average person. It doesn’t take much to sound like an expert.
I’m guessing you mean just the disposable kind of drones popularized in Ukraine? We’ve been dropping hellfire missles from Reaper drones at 10,000+ feet for a couple of decades now.
Non-voters don’t matter as far as the political system we’re discussing is concerned so why do we spend so much time talking about them? How many of them there are and the reasons they don’t vote are both entirely irrelevant.
Yeah you definitely couldn’t live without a specific VR headset.
I’d bet you would like more action on climate change too and yet the world cares not.
The size may not be uncommon but I don’t think it would be controversial to say that most women with boobs that size don’t look like her. I don’t really get the point of the rest of that article though. They’re acting like it’s some jealously guarded secret that a lot of dudes are into big boobs. I feel like that is a pretty widely publicized fact lol
It’s an interesting concept but no way I would play that. Building a career is a boring concept on its own. I don’t want to emulate someone else doing something I wish I didn’t have to do in real life.
Pretty obvious indicator of where our collective priorities are, isn’t it?
Bernie’s Medicare For All plan has been out there close to a decade now and I would argue that proposal is a huge part of his popularity. Democrats knew that and they told him, and by extension his supporters, to go fuck themselves. They know people want this but they don’t care.
Being content despite less than ideal circumstances is not a character flaw. Deferring to a partner with stronger preferences is not laziness. Stop conflating actions you don’t understand with bad behavior.
Your example ends with the man realizing that he actually did care about the hotel when in reality he would have probably said something like “oh well, we’re only going to be here a few hours and we’ll be unconscious for most of them”. That is what it means when someone says they don’t care. They’re not hiding their true feelings from you just to be annoying.
If you are tired of making decisions tell the other person to book the hotel. Most laid back people will be fine with that. Just don’t complain if that ends with you not getting what you wanted.
Inflation soared above 9% in 2022 as a result of supply chain problems related to the coronavirus pandemic and strong consumer demand that had been buttressed by stimulus checks and other relief policies both Trump and President Joe Biden championed.
Jesus Christ we’re still blaming stimulus checks for inflation. Most people couldn’t pay more than a months rent at most with the stimulus they received and yet we’re supposed to believe that was a huge factor driving prices up? Saying stupid shit like this is exactly as bad as Trump’s ridiculous tariff proposals but because it’s not a Republican saying it we’re just supposed to accept it as gospel. Eat my ass HuffPo
Put health insurance executives in the ring and I’m on board.
If that’s the lesson then when were we supposed to learn it? I am old enough to remember very well the last time Democrats tried to do something about healthcare. They gave up on single payer before the debate even started. Was that when I was supposed to learn to vote for them harder or was it one of the times they fucked over the only person with actual plans to implement universal healthcare?
Yes, Democrats are clearly better than the fascists masquerading as conservatives, but that doesn’t mean they’re fighting the good fight. They don’t even try to force a vote on most things people actually care about. They just throw up their hands and complain that doing things is hard. Then everyone sits around blaming voters for not loving these ineffectual dipshits enough. Fuck that, they suck it’s been that way for a lot more than 12 years.
You gotta Do the Dew before you do the deed.
You shut your dirty whorish mouth. Luigi was at my house playing Wii sports the whole time.
Who would win?
2700 soft nerds with at least one billion small pieces of paper each
300 million chimps with access to the internet and Mountain Dew™
There’s really no limit to using this kind of logic in this manner. They’ve been conditioned to accept any reasoning as long as it’s presented as anti-woke or along those lines. If Trump said exactly what you did Republicans would be lining up to abolish the private prison system the next day.