I really don’t know what to think of this thing. It’s a bit like a combadge from Star Trek with a camera and small monochrome projector. I like the idea behind it, handling most of the utilitarian features smartphones bring without the games and social media distractions. The AI stuff is neat, but I don’t know how well baked any of it is and that’s really going to be what makes or breaks something like this.
Price is a bit high, and I don’t know how I feel about the subscription–I guess it’s not bad if you think of this as a full cellphone replacement, but that’s a tall order with something this new and dorky. There’s probably a 90%+ chance this becomes short-lived vaporware/abandonware, but who knows. I’d love to see something succeed that gets people’s faces out of their cellphones and back to interacting in person more.
My biggest issue with this whole debacle is that the non-profit board hasn’t clearly explained itself to the pubic or its employees. There’s an ethics discussion that absolutely positively needs to happen and there needs to be some sort of governance in place around a myriad legal and moral issues from copyright to displacing human jobs and that can’t happen right now because we still don’t know what the fuck the board was trying to accomplish.
I’m all for responsible stewards of AI, but I don’t think this board is it. They’ve cut themselves out of any future governance ability in any event.