I easily use Firefox and mitID and there is no problem, but if I’m wrong or using a special version it could be different for us
I easily use Firefox and mitID and there is no problem, but if I’m wrong or using a special version it could be different for us
Short and powerful, so satisfying
This would be interesting
I started sorg freecad and yes, i have had my struggles with it but i havent felt like i missed out. My advice is to give it a go
Well, he was banished for being proud. But it all depends how you interpret the Bible
I understand it to be Jordan b Peterson
I use syncthing to sync my KeePass file, and I highly recommend it. Very easy to set up
I for one cannot wait for robots to be able to do all the mundane tasks, like being a cashier or truck driver, så that people can work in sectors that produce more value per hour spent. This is just an opinion tho :)