Thank you anyway for taking a look and commenting! It’s interesting to hear your perspective, and I’m glad you could at least learn about it as a concept.
Thank you anyway for taking a look and commenting! It’s interesting to hear your perspective, and I’m glad you could at least learn about it as a concept.
Thanks for your comment. The practice and results may vary from person to person. It’s certainly not a miracle cure, but the general finding is that when our bodies are not ejaculating, they are not constantly needing to produce semen which is a very nutrient- and energy-intensive process. As a result, we have more consistent levels of energy and a more stable emotional state.
If you are interested, please check it out!
If you don’t like it, just downvote and move on. Why is this so upsetting to you?
Alternatively, it becomes a dad joke when you start kidding.