Cutting Edge humor
Cutting Edge humor
You may want to add a source or 2 to your reply, you know, same as the person you replied to did. Otherwise, people may draw the conclusion that you’re not a valuable source yourself.
I feel like there’s a multitude of reasons on my part, but Louis Rossmann put a nail in it with this video
Looking at the machine, I say you got bamboozled. The question at the top of the menu is “What kind[…]?” But yeah, maybe do a sample test run next time around.
I work in a small team, so fortunately, the number of extraverted people is quite low. I find, if I give the people that absolutely crave attention however much they want early in the day, that quiets them down considerably during the rest of the day. They’ll have flare-ups every now and then, and lunchtime is unavoidable, unfortunately, but with practice, I’ve become able to wear them out before they wear me out, if that makes sense. Good luck and peace be with you.
Careful with the punctuation it makes you seem rather aggressive
Such a shame that they ran out of ideas after they moved apartments and were never able to step away from the kitchen smashing with viking weaponry running joke. They were good dudes. I still have their apron lying around.
Depends on your definition of streaming. I love me some debrid streaming.
He’s wealthy, or at least he’s treated as such most of the time, so the word you’re looking for is eccentric.
You, for one, seem way better adjusted than anybody who willy-nilly sticks their arm into raging fires.
Valid question. If I leave LW on optimized, Android will kill it about a minute after I turn my screen off, which ruins my podcast experience (I like to sometimes watch my podcasts as well as some of them are enhanced by visuals)
Live Nation and Ticketmaster merged in 2010. Why the merger was greenlit in the first place is beyond me.
Or, you know, try LibreTube. Does the job for free, and it includes SponsorBlock. Just don’t forget to change the battery setting to unrestricted.
SmartTube Next for watching YT on TV and LibreTube for Android.
Maybe creating a health care system that won’t force you into bankruptcy if you break a leg?
Hehe, “start”
Time and attention well spent.
E: I have to add an /s to that? Seriously? Who reads this and goes “That’s somebody’s real take!”