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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Most hacks interact with Linux because its in almost every corporate environment. People can still get scammed on Linux on their personal device too since rdp clients are compatible and a common method used. Linux Desktop is 4% market share (according to steam surveys?) but server infrastructure is largely Linux based, from firewalls to Web servers to database infrastructure. Most people host some form of Linux environment and lots of ransomware actors have Linux specific encryptors.

    Think of it this way: if the environment you just hacked has their corporate SQL database with all of their trade secrets sitting on Linux infra, and you’re a ransomware actor, you’re not going to give up and go hack someone else. Well, not if you’re any good I guess.

    The Linux community is better at finding and detecting this stuff due to more people looking at it and open source making it available etc. It’s attack surface (software that could be attacked) is still huge and the danger comes from outdated versions and misconfigurations just like anything else.

    Patch often, install from trusted sources, have backups. That’s really all you can do. Every environment has vulnerabilities. They sit at desks and push keys on the keyboard.

  • I actually have a person in my life complain about this shit with the last Bond movie (I havent watched it, i just heard complaining). Oh and Into the Spiderverse, he disliked spiderman being non-white - even though Peter Parker is in that fucking film. He also uses the phrase woke all the time.

    I really don’t value his opinions on these sorts of issues and neither should anyone. He’s got so little in his life and these stories are a powerful escape from the shit he isn’t dealing with. I won’t go into it, not my circus etc.

    Basically, he likes to imagine himself as Luke Skywalker and he can’t imagine himself as Rey so she’s woke and bad. It’s a boring way of consuming media and he’s an idiot. He says there’s an agenda but can self identify the agenda is maybe letting the women and coloured people be on screen sometimes. However, they do not look like him so they are bad and the agenda is bad.

    They’re not worth listening to.

  • Yeah I had uni projects with people in the same degree as me (Comp Sci) who straight up said they never learned to code. It baffled me that two people would both leave the degree not knowing the same stuff. I honestly don’t know how they were passing classes in some cases.

    There’s definitely too much knowledge for any one bootcamp, uni course or YT tutorial to teach and experience gaps are hard to identify until they come up. Best thing uni did was teach me how to teach myself, but someone following YT tutorials likely has that skill. That’s probably the most important skill to have as someone in tech imo.

  • Yeah look that was the front page of the repo talking about how it has C/C++ and Fortran code, sorry for not reading the docs and finding out that yes they still use C/C++ and Fortran code in the form of OpenBLAS which is a dependency… f2py is just a method of doing the following:

    F2PY facilitates creating/building native Python C/API extension modules that make it possible

    • to call Fortran 77/90/95 external subroutines and >Fortran 90/95 module subroutines as well as C functions;

    • to access Fortran 77 COMMON blocks and Fortran 90/95 module data, including allocatable arrays

    from Python.

    Correct me if I’m wrong here but if you’re implementing an api for one programming language to talk to another then that means you have 2 programm-

    I wake up as a lizard. The meaning of kernels, subroutines and programming languages is already fading. I realise the rock I am lying on is slightly in a shadow and move into the sun. Might eat a bug later…

  • Hey don’t let me get you down, it sounds like you learned a lot and you’re good at what you do. Maybe the elitist part of me (I hated uni but I arguably went to a “good school”) a little bit wants others to go through the exam + assignment structure I did just to verify they are “good”. But, I think the industry is shifting towards hiring from a test of ability, plus there’s the 3-6 month probationary periods…

    I don’t mean to say everyone needs a degree, just that people can complete a 2 week bootcamp, and still not be qualified. Just like how some people can learn a lot from structuring their own education. I needed others to tell me what I needed to learn, and wouldn’t have had the discipline to learn from YouTube.

    There’s no perfect answer and too much knowledge to transfer than a degree can provide anyway. If you can code, you’re good enough. Take that with the caveat of: everyone still has a lot more to learn. Imposter syndrome is the norm, so is burnout. Take care of yourself and try to enjoy.

    Oh and please - for the love of the cyber workforce - learn about common vulnerabilities and how to avoid writing them in to systems!

  • So he’s saying that people whose entire qualification are they went through a 2 week boot camp or through a youtube tutorial aren’t qualified…? I think? I tend to agree if thats all theyve done, but to be honest a lot of my degree felt like it could have been a 4 hour YT tutorial.

    People who get out of uni have no real world experience and should be treated as a juniors though. I’ve met a lot of people who have book smarts and no idea what to do after theyre in an org. They’re weird to work with because you can explain a concept, they’ll get it but not be able to apply it or fully see relevance. They’re intelligent but lack experience, which seniors provide.

    The LinkedIn OP doesn’t write clearly, but seems to think junior roles don’t do real work. He clearly needs to work in a SOC role to see the difference between a junior and a senior. Lacking experience doesn’t mean no meaningful output.