Nobody is prejudging anyone. It’s risk mitigation.
Yeah, the racists say the same thing about avoiding minorities.
It’s clear you’re never going to accept your bigotry.
Nobody is prejudging anyone. It’s risk mitigation.
Yeah, the racists say the same thing about avoiding minorities.
It’s clear you’re never going to accept your bigotry.
What a waste of resources just to make somebody richer!
Should be illegal to put ads in something as crucial to day-to-day life as a banking app.
If it’s not illegal, then everyone is going to do it and we won’t have the “choice” that crapitalists love to tout so much.
because it’s hard to infiltrate telecom systems like S7
cough You can pay a few grand and get access to SS7 networks.
Might be out of reach for most of us, but we can rest assured that any and all security firms and goverrnment agencies have access to this information at a moment’s notice.
$800… for an emotional support toy?
Is this why there’s so much poverty in the world? Because once people have enough excess wealth, this is what they choose to spend it on instead of helping those who need it more?
No they aren’t.
If you need me to spell out why judging somebody before you know them based on their sex is prejudiced and sexist, then you need to look up what the definitions of those words mean.
Sorry I didn’t conform to your generalization.
What? You’re fitting right in with my expectations.
I take it you like marvel movies.
I’d say it’s both.
Not all writers are complacent with potboiling, but most of them are and it’s what makes them average.
The man who conned a generation.
Affluent people like novelty.
To be fair, white collar workers have become so lazy and incompetent, most of their jobs would be done better by AI.
Charlie Kaufman had some good words to say about AI in screenwriting. Most movies released today could be written by AI and nobody would be able to tell the difference.
He’s referring to a hardware mux. Essentially, it’s hardware that will bypass your iGPU and directly use your dGPU. It’s more expensive to find laptops with hardware muxes, but they perform a bit better because output isn’t being routed through the iGPU first.
The downside of a hardware mux is that you have to switch between the dGPU and iGPU in your UEFI. This means you need to restart the computer every time you want to change which GPU you’re using. The dGPU will result in better performance at the cost of battery life.
Odds are your laptop does not have a hardware mux and you will need to go through the standard optimus setup for your distro. Some distros make this easy with their own tools, like Linux Mint and Manjaro.
I’ve been using Manjaro for years and highly recommend it.
That said, lenovo build quality has gone way downhill and anyone reading this might want to avoid them in their next purchase.
The best information I could come across at the time was the plane was carrying at least 1 individual who had some sort of ties to technology that would make the CPUs in things like cars much cheaper.
I assumed he was an incel.
You didn’t make your point. You said you weren’t going to make your point and then proceeded to personally insult me.
You still haven’t explained why prejudice isn’t acceptable for racists but it is acceptable for misandrists.
So, what exactly is your point?
Did… did you see the part where I said “neither are an excuse for bigotry and prejudice”? Or did you just conveniently ignore that part so you could say I don’t have a point?
I’ve made it clear from the very beginning: misandry isn’t acceptable behavior and it’s part of a double-standard that you are proudly defending. You got upset about this and proceeded to attack me without explaining why the same arguments racists use to justify their racism are somehow acceptable to justify your sexism.
Yeah, anything to avoid admitting you don’t have a point.
Back to the personal attacks.
Anything to avoid admitting you’re part of the problem.
I’ll accept this as your surrender. Have a nice day. You may have the last message since you’re dying for it.