Why do I feel more sympathy for the shooter then? Let me explain myself. I don’t condone his actions, but here’s the thing… You have no idea what a stranger is going through in their life. No idea what trauma lies in their past. Going up to strangers and trying to provoke them could yield wildly different responses from person to person, and in the world we live in that could easily involve anger. Some people are barely holding it together and all they need is a jarring incident like this to make them snap. The shooter didn’t provoke this situation. Yes he reacted poorly, but the entire thing would have been avoided if the brain dead YouTuber wasn’t going around trying to elicit a response for clicks.
This reminds me of an article I just saw. Uber is partnering with taxi companies in LA to provide rides. Congratulations, you re-invented something that already exists. Lol
Just a thought, but have you tried requesting the desktop site from your mobile browser? I’ve had luck with a few websites that have missing features on their mobile pages.
Whoa! That is very interesting. I’ve got so many questions. How old are they? Are they very wealthy? Large house/property? Age range of the kids? I’m assuming this is over an extended period, not all at the same time, but either way that takes dedication.
You misspelled chode. Lol
Yeah, things have definitely dropped off. I’m still getting engagement on my cat posts but most of my feed has been news with no comments and tons of memes. I’m hoping things will pick back up as we head into fall and winter. Just wanted to let you know I saw your comment from my instance :)
I was gonna say, ever heard of “dry socket”? Honestly though, when I had my wisdom teeth pulled I was still smoking cigarettes and I’d just put wet gauze in the back over the holes and do it anyway. I got lucky I guess and got away with it.
I stopped using Reddit when Apollo stopped working. I joined Lemmy.world on July 4th and moved to my current instance about a month after due to .world being down a lot. I’m happy to be here and watch Lemmy grow and improve.
The video says they tested the substance and it was a mix of methadone and hydrocodone. I was an opiate addict for over a decade and I didn’t realize those had much of a smell. They also said it was making them all sick and they were coughing. I feel like he might have been using different chemicals each time. This is just a bizarre story all around.
They are threatening to sue her for lying and defamation? Wtf? People saw the kiss and everything I’ve read about the situation sounds like all she did was say that she never consented to it. SFA can get fucked.
The closest I could find is kill. Which starts with a ‘k’ sound but begins with the letter ‘k’.
This comment has big Dwight Shrute vibes. What is the best bear?
Good horse. Good horse reads poorly. Games Bookstore becomes jaamesbaxterr
I’m in the same boat as you with the Arlo cameras. I’ve got the Pro (4030) cameras. I read an article that said they kinda walked that decision back. They are going to continue the 7 day free cloud storage, so after the EOL date, which was July 1st, they’ll continue to offer security updates for a year, but after that our cameras will still work but not receive updates. I’ll definitely be looking for other options, but at least they’ll still work. If anyone knows a good kit that lets you host the videos yourself I’d be interested in hearing about it.
After work I think I’ll order some food, maybe pizza and wings, and then hopefully get a round of Mario party in with some friends. I also need to catch up with the most recent episodes of Foundation.
And is hated by people.
I don’t know who this guy is but don’t beat yourself up about it. There are so many YouTubers with decent content but problematic personalities/tendencies. It would be a full time job just to keep up with who is actually a dirtbag in disguise. Obviously we shouldn’t be supporting these creators once we find out they suck, but you shouldn’t be expected to research the creator of every video you find interesting.