That’s documented serving. You don’t seriously believe that a slow stew on the basis of meat, wine and misofritto only appeared in the 19th century?
That’s documented serving. You don’t seriously believe that a slow stew on the basis of meat, wine and misofritto only appeared in the 19th century?
Intelligence is inherited, but evenly distributed over the population/across (so called) ethnic groups You’re skimming over a wikipedia article, but the guy you’re replying to isn’t off the mark.
Easy to say to starving children. (Which is what happened in op’s article)
It’s telling that nowhere in this thread there’s mention of the US demolishing it’s relationship with its most important ally, Europe.
The US is a lost cause, nationally and globally. It might save it’s state, but repairing a (already wobbly) international reputation will take decades.
Here you have comment, from this thread, of someone saying there’s basically no problems:
Denial of racism and abuse by the Chinese state is rampant here on Lemmy, don’t pretend otherwise.
Oh and please don’t assume my narrative. I hate the US more.
Calles ‘empire in decay’ hahaha
Serbia is not former Warsaw pact.
A fabrication? Did you even read that pdf? I quote:
Serious human rights violations have been committed in XUAR in the context of the Government’s application of counter-terrorism and counter-“extremism” strategies. The implementation of these strategies, and associated policies in XUAR has led to interlocking patterns of severe and undue restrictions on a wide range of human rights. These patterns of restrictions are characterized by a discriminatory component, as the underlying acts often directly or indirectly affect Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim communities.
It’s irrelevant whether other apps do it – it’s still wrong.
It means the USSR was already industrializing – and Stalin made sure that process would be (1) tightly controlled by the state & (2) would benefit primarily the imperial core of Russia.
If you think capital does not bear relevance to the development of the USSR, you have not understood Leninism.
The USSR killed Jews en masse, mostly as elements of a ‘cosmopolitan bourgeoisie’ (clear antisemitic dogwhistle) or simply as Jews. He also directed his cabinet to collaborate with the Nazis in their holocaust, firing Litvinov as FM and installing Molotov with clear instructions to comply with the Nazis. Heck, even Khrushchev admitted that Stalin died on the cusp of engineering a holocaust of his own. I will refrain on commenting how he treated other minorities.
Stalin took an already establishing economy and rearranged it towards national capital while killing Jews en masse and allied with Nazi’s.
Replace Stalin with Hitler and you understand how insane you sound. (Oh and ditch the part about winning ww2)
Stop calling anyone who doesnt follow your narrow vision of events a liberal. It’s lazy. I’m an anarchist (and frankly not very interested in your bootlicking excuses).
This chart applies to every developing country in the world and says nothing specifically about China. Even Nigeria, a neo colonial hell hole plagued by famines, follows the same trend.
Yes and the 33 million people whose lives have been uprooted by the invasion, are undoubtedly very happy Russia is ‘fixing’ this with violence.
The reason I am interested in the Ukrainian people is because I am European and volunteer in refugee relief. I am confronted with the human cost of this invasion on a very, very regular basis. The lives of 33 million people have been violently uprooted by the decision of a foreign state, and the only socialist stance to take in that regard is clear condemnation. It is that simple.
My question was: how does the violence of the invasion help the self determination of Ukrainian people?
I’ll be more explicit: why not simply acknowledge that the invasion is not only unlawful, but deeply immoral – and completely contradictory to the self determination of a people?
Right, so how does the full scale, violent invasion by a foreign state help the self determination of both Ukrainian peoples?
When do you call something a continent? Just vibes, I guess. All I am saying is that the dish has a much longer history than 200 years.