… Big Meat?
… Big Meat?
Can’t make an omelette without breaking the bank.
Generation Oregon Trail or Xennial, depending on your life choices.
No mate. A Muppet Movie with Gov. Abbott as the villain.
“screw Future Me! That guy’s a dick.” - Past Me
It will be hard to tell if they are being obnoxious or not, you know, once we lose power.
Just wait until the deregulated power grid goes out - again.
Texas will loose whole counties to diphtheria and darkness.
No, it’s all good. See, before she goes into battle the D evacuates all the civilians to the Saucer… Where… Uh…
I liked proton. Until they announced their intention to gargle MAGA balls.
Have since migrated to Tutanota
Worth every. Goddamn. Penny.
“Perfect is the enemy of good.”
Bad, also, is the enemy of good…
I think maybe good walked into the wrong damn neighborhood.
Oh man… probably should have passed laws to regulate data harvesting and digital privacy back in the 90s
when the Internet was still just a series of tubes…