let me guess: fruit bats.
yes. why? because regardless of my opinion, when you make it illegal you make things worse for everyone. that goes for drugs, for people moving about on the earth, and all other such things.
true, but even mid burgers are a fave from where i’m standing
if you have to conform to what a single group wants while ignoring the actual countries who created the games and those who host them, that’s not”bringing people together” it’s just giving in to narrow views and acting as if only one group has legitimacy and the right to decide on anything. there is no “bringing together” of different people and things in that.
it literally was not. i guess you skipped most of this discussion? and the article itself? it’s explained what it was a scene from. (hint: not from christianity).
isn’t faith about humility? it’s arrogant to turn a celebration of a different culture into an attack on one’s “faith” yet we see cosplay christians do this literally every single day. spiritual materialism isn’t spiritual in any way. it’s using the trappings of religion like a weapon to attack others and gain power over them. it’s not about any relationship with God, or following any teachings. no faith in any god is shown by such reactions. it’s selfish, quick to anger, blind, unforgiving, arrogant, hypersensitive, and morally wrong.
they think that. somehow it doesn’t occurs to the “christians” that the olympics aren’t about them and aren’t focused on them at all. it wasn’t the last supper. it was homage to greek and french culture and history. because the olympics originated in greece and are being held in france. sheesh.
it was? how so?
why? pride? control? doesn’t sound like they would stand out for their common sense, compassion, or spirituality.
what is undignified about women talking? please be specific.
trump is a fortuitous puppet. he ran for president in the past too, but he didn’t win because the times weren’t right for it.
that’s not what i took from j6…
we’ll never hear the end of it.
i keep thinking of that too…
i doubt it, despite how it is for that one outlier. try it and see.