If my grandma had wheels, she’d be a bike
Kia Ora. This is in one of the yet to rebranded to Woolworths Countdown supermarkets in New Zealand.
Envy is wanting something someone else has. Jealousy is fearing someone will take away something you have. Or I’m about to learn that what I’ve recently learnt is not true and then this would be my answer for this post.
The retort to that is, “be yourself, unless you’re and arsehole, then be someone else”
Japanese only spoken in Indonesia?
I relate to this 100%
Pi-Hole seems to do a great job blocking telemetry.Mozilla.com at home
Not sure they understand the flow on effects. Those of us being affected and work in the corporate IT space who have a lot of say in what browsers are used will simply replace chrome with Firefox on our thousands of machines nationwide without a second thought. They are digging their own grave.
Auto glaze (over)
Signup for lemmy through memmy. Choose normal name. Invalid name. Choose normal name with number. Invalid name. Choose invalid name. OK.
Genuinely made me laugh out loud. Thank you!! 😂