We have both Linux and Windows machines in my team. We do all the work in Linux, and register hours in Windows. We also all have iPhones that we only use for 2FA.
I enjoy modding stuff in Copenhagen, Denmark.
We have both Linux and Windows machines in my team. We do all the work in Linux, and register hours in Windows. We also all have iPhones that we only use for 2FA.
I like GNOME. I make it look good and provide a great workflow.
Maybe Vanilla OS will be of interest?
In any non-empty, finite interval on the real number line, there are uncountably infinitely many numbers = people in this thought experiment. If you think of physical space as continuous, we cross infinitely many points in any finite movement.
I’d like to see one of the numerous paradoxes you refer to.
I think that wad the premise, yeah.
Any non-empty interval on the real number line holds uncountably infinitely many points.
I really enjoy the split spacebars. I use those for layers: hold for a navigation layer on one, for some UI and function keys on the other. With the remapping software Keyd. If the split spacebars are not a thing for you, then I’m inclined to think the Shinobi is nicer, given the palmrest and sound profile.
But getting anywhere on the lower track will kill infinitely many people. You cannot kill finitely many people on the lower track. Well, unless you derail at exactly the first. On the upper track, a stop at any point will have killed only finitely many.
Sorry, that’s only an option of you have a Pro subscription.
“Eventually” on the densely packed track - even if almost instant - means uncountably many deaths. On the upper track, any eventual stop will result in only finitely many deaths.
If the leading wheels are allowed to continue any interval down the original track, uncountably infinitely many people die.
Every finite trolley passes infinitely many points when moves, if you accept space as infinitly divisible (structured as the real numbers).
TIL! Thank you!
I think you have to alternate the quotations you use between doubles and singles, pairwise. Else the first pair is closed after --format.
So you have to use a pattern like “command level 1 ‘level 2 “level 3” more level 2’ more level 1”
Does that make sense?
Nope, just a new logo on an existing key.
Immerge more! Hide the task bar, use only desktop icons to launch your games.
Alas, often, no. Just another logo we can’t be rid of.
In some cases, the Copilot key will replace the Menu key or the right Control key, a Microsoft spokesperson told CNBC in an email. Some larger computers will have enough room for both the Copilot key and the right Control key, the spokesperson said.
In addition, I think the HMM contains the FRUs, too.
Super nice project!
The custom keycaps, that’s a dream. I’d love if there was a good method for that. I laser cut my board myself, too (but at a mkser space), and would love to make custom keycaps for it.
To speed up the process and perhaps get less errors, could you possibly do all of them at once?
Since you cut the plate, you have the drawing, so you could place the legends appropriately on that, then place keycaps on all switches and press play?
Maybe you could start with small dots on four corner keycaps in one go to calibrate/not risk bad prints on a full keycap set.
Hang out, vape the THC, devour that chicken! OP, this is amazing hosting!