Start talking about something and get so lost on tangents trying to explain all the precursory information they need to understand that original thing I haven’t explained yet that I’m now debating something entirely unrelated and have forgotten the original point I’m trying to make.
Bonus points if I end up losing my train of thought during one of the tangents and now don’t even know what I said two seconds ago and have still forgotten the original point I was trying to make.
Also not being able to do simple things I plan/need to do, like laundry or writing an email, but then spend 4hrs straight building something incredibly complex from scratch just to test a random theory I had that has no other usefulness.
I recently had to install windows for a research project and the fact the “latest version” i downloaded moments before needed to update while installing and then again needed to update twice after it was installed pissed me off way more than it should.
Also gotta love that my laptop can go 5+hrs on a charge with arch and xfce but lasts less than 2hrs on windows.