If you’re looking for material to screenshot and post elsewhere on Lemmy, cancel your ISP and reevaluate your life you are wasting it.
Nah, they have the texture of fruit leather and completely dissolve in water. A few brands make them like Seventh Generation, Earth Breeze and Ecos
It is a mastodon server with the soapbox front end and federation disabled.
With all the hand wringing about Threads, Truth Social has to be the worst mastodon server by far. Good thing federation is turned off lol.
I personally would feel weird collecting rent money from my girlfriend that provides me equity. Did you ask her what she thinks?
I really like these too, I bought like a multi years supply of them and they fit in a pocket I hang on my laundry door and haven’t fucked with liquid detergent or bottles since 2022
Thankfully you left me this message so I can block you and never hear from you ever again.
You couldn’t pay me to go back to the 1920s when my family lived in a ghetto in Qajari Iran lol
Persian is my mother tongue but the most disappointing day in my life is when I realized I dreamed in English because it has been my primary language most of my life. I honestly don’t even know if I can set lemmy to Persian, I’ve never checked.
edit: well, how about that you can.
My dad watched his brother drown when he was a kid and was unable to save him Ray Charles style and made sure he taught me to swim before dipping out
There are no leftists in America because of the Nazi consolidation of power in the red scare and this is what you get.
In your country your political parties operate as one and the politics are managed by the oligarchy. Everything is occurring exactly as your business dictatorship wants.
Wow, a lot of words to say nothing. You don’t have to do anything meaningless, it is by definition meaningless.
This is false, multiple presidents won more than 51% of the vote and lost. Your elections are decided by election riggers during redistricting. It is called gerrymandering. You live in a corrupt society that uses voting and a circus every few years to mollify you. Even if Kamala won, which was basically impossible based on how the districts were drawn, you’d still live in a capitalist dictatorship that would be every bit as bad as it is now. You would still be causing wars around the world, you would still have homeless people everywhere, and most people would still be living pay check to paycheck while she did absolutely nothing. Kamala Harris is a manager of capitalism, not leader in any sense. You have absolutely no vote or say in the people who run your country, the board members of Goldman Sachs, Chase, Citigroup, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and the rest.
Both voting and not voting have the same effect. Nothing. It is not a democracy and pretending you are in one does fuck all.
Right, I said you are free to do any meaningless gestures you want
You are free to participate in any kind of meaningless gestures and genuflection to make yourself feel better, but the US is a controlled authoritarian oligarchy with democratic window dressing and not a democracy in any meaningful way.
Yeah, there is a reason my instance doesn’t have downvotes or federates with the lemmy.world idiots
I don’t need to focus on anything, everyone else in the world knows your elections are rigged except you, the dumbest and most gullible people on earth.
Americans are the most gullible idiots in the world.
Your elections are based on redistricting. They do conspire to draw them to win, it is called gerrymandering. Because the system doesn’t work and is designed to maintain an oligarchy they don’t need to fix the entire thing across the entire country, they need to redraw the districts so they only need to fix a handful, and they do. They do not let the worlds largest nuclear armed oligarchy bend to the will on the dumbest people on earth.
Also they don’t need to fix every election, they need to fix a certain % of them over the course of years to push an agenda across they’ve been working on for a long time. You are literally falling victim to the business plot now. While you write paragraphs talking about Occlam’s razor you literally just need to look out of your window to see the results.
No you don’t understand, it wasn’t 80 years of fascist power consolidation and continual capitalist cannibalization since the 70s, It is all Putin manipulating social media causing the material conditions in the Global North. One thing is for sure, no one wrote a book in the nineteenth century describing this exactly.