True, some will be denied and will just rot, if they’re fortunate enough to have insurance to deny them.
True, some will be denied and will just rot, if they’re fortunate enough to have insurance to deny them.
Why thank you, it took many edits to get it to the point where it was creepy but believable.
Can you imagine hitching your wagon to someone only to find out years later that they can’t stay focused while under the effects of teargas?
What doesn’t get spent on enjoying a retirement we will never get, will be claimed by medical bills from failing health. Generational wealth doesn’t apply to us, and no one is coming to save you.
It says a lot about the strange people you meet online that, had I never responded, no one but me would truly know if this offhand comment actually came from a deranged stalker or just some drunk and bored idiot looking to do some light trolling.
No idea. I always tell them how nice I am, I always hold the door for them, and I even shower before we meet up. I’ve even going so far as to pick them up at their houses, they never seem to appreciate it. Some have reacted quite unexpectedly, slamming the door and yelling about police. I’ve learned to never show initiative and learn their address beforehand, as the effort is never reciprocated. Maybe if I was some knuckledragging douchebag, I’d get some of the attention I deserve.
Not the treats!!
This is no joke, I’m a better person overall when my work day starts at 4pm and goes to midnight. Sure I miss out on stuff, but I exercise, eat better, get better sleep, focus on hobbies. It’s much nicer, when I can do it.
I appreciate you taking the time to reply, and I’m glad not every company is as bad as they possibly could be, but this is going to be a trend.
Be it inflation, or supply line issues, or sanctions, they drum up an excuse to raise prices, and they won’t come back down. Based on what you’re saying, maybe Costco will come back down, but gas and groceries in other stores will be more hesitant.
I bet even Netflix will use tariffs as an excuse to raise prices somehow. We need collective action, a general strike.
I recommend you read up on the Tragedy Of The Commons, it will make you realize how it feels to be a blade of grass.
I’m well aware of their roles in this, and the improbability of anything changing. Unrelated, I would ask for a blue dragon for their lightning breath.
Just another excuse to wildly raise prices, probably far above the rate of the tariff increase.
Perhaps, instead of passing the full brunt of the costs onto the customers, maybe the executives and shareholders take home less profit? Maybe take a financial hit to easy the cost of living burden on the commoners?
Or maybe starve the people out, and see how many people start playing Luigi’s Mansion.
Other commenters are saying this is a good thing, and that this will eventually make thinga better, but lots of people will suffer in the interim, and somehow find this line of thinking acceptable. The oligarchs could ease the plight of the commoners now, they could simply take less profit so families don’t have to, they could pass laws now, but they don’t.
They could just have easily said, “A Costco executive warned shareholders that potential loss in profits could be a result of President-elect Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs.”
The other commenters are correct, however, many more will suffer. This is all only going to get worse for us.
“Recruiter Of The Year”
The wisdom of the ancients have told us, time and again, that society can only truly improve when people plant trees without regard to ever enjoy the shade of their spreading boughs.
Read that in his voice, well done.
The healthcare costs in America will ensure there’s no transfer of wealth between generations.
Who is next to kiss the ring?
Like we can trust the word of the foot soldiers of capitalism.
I nisread, I thought you said “Not everyone in the US”. My bad for the miscommunication.