Don’t 3d printed guns crack after like 2 shots? Next they’re going to require ID to buy pipe and nails in order to guard everyone from modern improvised muskets.
Don’t 3d printed guns crack after like 2 shots? Next they’re going to require ID to buy pipe and nails in order to guard everyone from modern improvised muskets.
Thankfully, the younger you get tinnitus, the easier it is to ignore. Unless someone mentions it, I don’t notice.
If they exclusively targeted larger companies, they’d be fine with me. Generally, the way they operate is to first strike smaller, more vulnerable companies to build their case before suing a larger one. Patent reform can’t come soon enough.
I always like to offer polite compliments when I find an enviable trait.
Wait, what’s this about lending??
Imagine bestowing your hat upon your progeny after stowing it away for 300+ million years. That’s devotion.
That private prisons have contracts stipulating a minimum number of prisoners with long-term guarantees is dystopian on its own. Every bit past that is a shit cherry on top. The incestuous relationship between government and private industry exists because regulatory capture is ridiculously difficult to frugally undo once contracts are in place. How no one has tracked down the ceos of Corrections Corp of America et al., I honestly don’t know. There’s a very small, specific, actionable set of people making the world worse.
I mean, their purpose is to cost the US and Mexico vast sums of money until they get their way. Starving them out is their best case scenario.
“Son, I’m profoundly disappointed. I raised you not to stoop to such awful perversion. You’ve managed to ignore the rule of thirds and even moved the focus from your eyes. Hand me the camera so we can do this right.”
You advertise to your audience. Ads targeting the perverse and the stupid seem perfectly suited to twitter.
As always, it’s hard to determine what is AI and what is a filter. The guy whose entire face was edited to be flat and tilted 10 degrees toward the camera got me. That said, 8/10. The first two clued me into what the author was going for and I got the rest right.
Could be internal damage. At least, that was the case with my old phone.
That’s funny, I’m the reverse- Searx is my final solution. I don’t like costing the lovely people hosting it any more than I have to so I start with the duck. If ddg offers nothing, searx always has it.
As an aside, are you aware that startpage was purchased some time ago? It’s owned by an ad company now.
Searx. That it doesn’t ignore operators legitimately arouses me slightly.
I’ve been meaning to get back to cyberbullying but who has the time? And my portfolio is so dated.
100% an upper or “microdosing” on a hallucinogen. Just a nibble of psilocybin every day before impregnating a secretary and after bed.
This is entirely unrelated, aside from the stupidity of the subject, but I’m reminded of that fella who repeatedly injected mushrooms to try to get high. He sterilized the mushrooms by boiling, then blended, loaded into a hypo, and slowly plunged the mixture into his arm. He ended up with a complete systemic fungal infection but survived. I wish Musk would get creative with it.
Looks like they are. I can tell from some of their words and from seeing quite a few critics in my time.
It is my political opinion that milk, water, tea (practically water), and vodka are the only beverages fit for human consumption. There’s an argument to be made for certain juices, but it can be safely ignored as Dole propaganda. You only get the two sets of teeth, all.
There are a few community archetypes that will always gradually, but inevitably, cease to offer anything of substance without a strong understanding of moderation. Unpopular opinions, communities built around making fun of [topic], any communities that can be used for creative writing, etc… This community is a step further than most in that its subject matter is actively antagonistic in addition to being a potential space for creative writing. It’s doomed to fail without bizarrely dedicated mods or a queue of posts pending approval.