OpenSCAD lends itself to be treated as a function/stand alone program for generating models as well. Some of the 3D modeling websites even have OpenSCAD integration that runs it in your browser to generate the model based on the flagged configurable parameters. That’s powerful for basic functions like the mentioned adapters, because you can have a page that just spits out adapters of any size and shape.
Theoretically, a more standard CAD program like FreeCAD can use OpenSCAD for a standard parts library like threads, screws, bolts, sprints and allow for custom creation of those outside the standard. FreeCAD has some OpenSCAD support, but I’m not sure if it uses it in that way.
I’m pretty proud of this. It’s for a gift.
I didn’t do the artwork work, Disney did that many years ago, it’s Disney Classic #8 book cover. But what I did do is worth through Hueforge for the background, and my own custom process for Alice. Which involved a quite complicated process of redrawing Alice in vector, separating the colors, and manually selecting the colors per layer to create a good contrast.
The frame was generated off my frame/shadowbox generator you can find on Printables.