I hope you reach your goal, I helped! LTTP was one of my favorite games as a kid (tho i relied heavily on the guidebook lol) so I’m really excited about this
I hope you reach your goal, I helped! LTTP was one of my favorite games as a kid (tho i relied heavily on the guidebook lol) so I’m really excited about this
People wear shirts they don’t know much about because they like the color, fit, and/or design. Pretty simple.
My husband is like this, just buys shirts if he likes the color, fit, and/or design. Doesnt care what the subject is. He’s never been interrogated about how much he knows about them
Can you mention some kinds of charity that dont involve increased responsibility? I would like to help people more but don’t feel I have room in my life for more responsibility rn
I require the dulcet tones of Fran Fine thank you very much
Your arrogance and projection shines through your comments. Reddit sucks indeed, and you are making lemmy a more toxic and miserable place to be. Blocked
perfectly balanced, as all things should be
The original comment never said the government was forcing people to have it. Most people need a mortgage to own a home, few are privileged enough to avoid a mortgage by inheriting a home or buying one outright. Less than 25% of homeowners own their home outright. So most are effectively forced to have home insurance
fun fact, insects are animals
The Secret Life of Testicles, pixars next motion picture
imagine trusting russian polls lol
I understand the connotation, most people only consider things like youtube, tiktok, and facebook social media. but there is an actual definition for social media and even the old chat boards fit that definition
that isnt a requirement for something to be social media. lemmy is definitely social media, it’s better than most but still qualifies
she grimaced?
I absolutely love the game. Single player runs great, but multiplayer is bug city. Dialogue lines cut abruptly in the middle, characters listening in to dialogue turn invisible when it stops, actions in combat are sometimes inexplicably unavailable unless you can switch to someone else and switch back, etc. Nothing game breaking so far, but my husband and I experience a few bugs every time we game together.
snagged some chill games, Sim City 4, Unpacking, and Lego Builders
My favorite interaction was on a college campus. They had set up a table and were telling every passerby “Jesus loves you!” So I cheerfully returned “and Allah loves you!”
I will forever cherish the physical recoil and look of revulsion that crossed their faces. I’m an atheist, for context
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt