Despite being vaxxed and boosted and masked etc., I managed to get it 3 times. Each time worse then the last. The first time it triggered panic attacks, depression and anxiety that I still battle with to this day. It was no joke to my mental health.
Despite being vaxxed and boosted and masked etc., I managed to get it 3 times. Each time worse then the last. The first time it triggered panic attacks, depression and anxiety that I still battle with to this day. It was no joke to my mental health.
If you hate Brave that’s fine, but at least be honest. It never had any mining whatsoever. It has a feature that let’s you earn crypto through ads that is turned off by default. That’s it. You never have to deal with it if you don’t want to.
I’ll give you the referral link issue though.
The vast majority is. This is one of only a dozenish theaters showing a true film image full 70mm print. Every other version is either a smaller mm print or digital.
Seriously, it’s the most battlefield game since probably 3.
I bounce between wefwef and Liftoff. When one has a hiccup, I just swap to the other.
Me being vaxxed lessend my symptoms from death to not death. I didn’t have an extended stay in the hospital, and wasn’t a burden on the Healthcare system that was already straining. So yes, I’m glad I was vaxxed despite still getting sick.