This is the new version of Microsoft Tesms
No usually you do not get an immediate notification, but you can indeed see it by constantly checking you small camera window in the corner of the meeting. But you have to stay focused.
Canada come join us in the EU.
GPT fixes that internally 🤡
It’s pounds, so I guess it is not taking place in the US, which ist maybe the reason for the normal dispute value.
I guess I postest it a few days ago and it got deleted. Still it’s a serious topic and I had a good lough.
Yes it’s Greece 🇬🇷, not bad!
Yes it’s part of Spain actually.
You have to be American, it’s not fake map it shows a real country in Europa.
Btw. I mean Europe the continent not Europe the country.
But you guys could catch this opportunity to bring some democracy 💦, right after identifying it.
Close, Listenbourg is on the northern boarder of Spain and Portugal.
See here: