Well, that happened after 40 minutes of civil discussion. And the thing that changed the way it was it was going was his undiplomatic response to Vance when he said the US has nice oceans, but it is going to feel the problem eventually. This is a rather stupid way of talking to Trump and his administration. If he did not succumb to the provocation it would not have happened.
“If you don’t help me you’ll regret it” is not the way to go in this situation I’m afraid.
And after they did talk over him, insted of arguing he should have shut up and it would have worked out better for him.
That may be so, but I really doubt he was causing this fiasco on purpose because of the deal. Also, he could have, you know, negotiated, instead of arguing for no reason.
Zelensky can only blame himself. If he showed some sense and restraint he would have returned to Ukraine with the deal. This is not the way you should act with Trump, and I should say especially not when your country depends on US support to the extend Ukraine does.
America is Palpatine.
It just revealed that it was the sith lord all along.
I am sceptical of how one would be able to decipher Japanese as a European language speaker, it is very foreign. Also, just because in some specific cases the dub is of a low quality does not mean that it is always inferior. In fact, all things being equal I would prefer the language I can understand even if it is not tge original language.
Howewer, I just watched “Mars Express” in french to see if I enjoy it, and it was kind of nice. The subtitles did not always translate what was said exactly from what I could gather, but I rather enjoy how the language sounds. I guess it makes sense to watch it in a specific language for the atmosphere.
But now I feel stupid for not knowing french. Will have to start learning it I guess.
What’s the point of original audio, if you can’t understand it?
I prefer it as well, when I can understand the language.
I believe this might have been an instance of so-called “flirting”.
If you don’t speak Japanese, why would you watch anime in Japanese? Do you watch all films you do not know the original languages of with subtitles?
I might have heard of it. But again, I am NOT american. Haven’t I made that clear?
I am not responsible for what Trump is doing. But you, if you voted for Biden, are responsible for the genocide in Gaza. And you would have been responsible for what happened under Harris, and let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be much different.
I mean the bar is not high. But Harris was literally throwing the election, her campaign was based entirely on not being Trump and she didn’t offer anything substantial to the american people. Trump won for a reason. And you didn’t vote for Harris either, you voted against Trump.
The chances I will be asked to vote in the american elections are, indeed, small, but not for the reason you think. I referred to americans that did not vote as “they” for a reason.
Harm reduction is great, but if I do not see a candidate that represents me I am not going to vote.
Why would I support someone that is fucking me over?
If I had the final say in who gets to be president I might have picked Harris, but honestly, your vote is not going to change the outcome of the election, so why compromise your morality?
Well I doubt the person I responded to would approve of voting for third party candidates. He probably thinks everyone who votes for them is a Trump-loving fascist.
Meaning they were not fine with either winning.
I would like to ask, what is the point of voting according to you?
Or maybe they didn’t want to vote for someone they didn’t like.
How dare you!
This is not beef!
This is clearly veal.
The binaries are not opt out, but opt in.
Well, if you just made an apple pie you would have also made a universe that would consist of only the apple pie.