It definitely is, middle of nowhere Indiana here - I’m getting 1000/1000 for $95 and no cap. But I’m lucky enough to be in a location with competition, lots of areas in the US only have one option so they get charged whatever the ISP wants.
It definitely is, middle of nowhere Indiana here - I’m getting 1000/1000 for $95 and no cap. But I’m lucky enough to be in a location with competition, lots of areas in the US only have one option so they get charged whatever the ISP wants.
Oh how could I forget about the government death panels! Yeah we’d much rather leave that to the insurance companies.
Red state here - the biggest argument I hear all the time is that if we get public healthcare the care quality will go down and we will have to wait 8 hrs to get seen for a heart attack. They point to Canada’s system and say most Canadians wish they had our system. So the answer, as always, is brainwashing.
Someone in IT would be intimately familiar with why you would want something like a manifesto to be offline.
He was also CEO when they setup an AI that had a 90% error rate that was denying claims.
Another fun fact, she was previously a VP at UnitedHealth!
Grew up around central Illinois, the whole area blames Chicago for their problems while the true issue is all the auto manufacturing left in the 70-80s. If they formed their own state they’d be worse off than Mississippi. But hey, they’d get to keep Danville and East St. Louis, two of the worst cities in America.
I hit my head on basement staircase ceilings to asset dominance.
I want a go-gurt, damnit!
They probably saved way more than they were fined.
If I believed that an antichrist could exist, I would be convinced it was Donald Trump. He is the opposite of what Christianity teaches yet somehow he’s become their Messiah.
This post would have done better in 2015
Probably doesn’t help that Teslas guess which direction you want to go in and you have to change it if it’s wrong.
I can’t order Jimmy John’s on my work computer anymore. Why? Because tiktok is blocked on our work network. What does tiktok have to do with Jimmy John’s? Well I would have thought nothing expect it won’t let you set your delivery option unless it’s allowed to send data to
Why is a God damn sandwich shop sending my location to tiktok? No idea, but it’s definitely not just the video app that’s the problem.
That’s not true, there were several free antiviruses that were considered good back then. I’d say quality free antivirus were more popular in the mid-00s to late 00s than they are now after Windows defender got usable.
Chances are enterprise drives will last far longer than 5 years easily in my experience, but in my opinion 15% off isn’t enough to justify not having a warranty. I see those sales often enough on legitimate drives.
Enterprise drive sales aren’t restricted in anyway, you just need to buy them from a reputable seller. I personally would avoid Amazon, there are tons of “deals” like the one you found on there and they don’t make it obvious. A legitimate seller example -
99% of the people in that office had absolutely nothing to do with the decision that upper management made. They are just working for a living. They didn’t choose anything, they chose to not starve. Fuck off with punishing the entire work force for the greed of a few individuals.
You know things have gone wrong when people are cheering on Oracle.
Great news to have more options in the Enterprise Linux space in the future. Personally I’m going to keep running Alma at work since they’ve promised to keep working on security updates and watching the whole RHEL linux thing unfold.
It’s a better fucking deal than $76 for 55mbps lol